Hughie queued up for coffee and chatted up the women serving it. 休吉排队领取咖啡,并且同那些供应咖啡的妇女攀谈。
When Hughie came in he found Trevor putting the finishing touches to a wonderful life-size picture of a beggar-man. 当休吉走进去时,他看到特里沃在给一幅和真人一样大小的、精彩的乞丐图进行最后的润饰。
Hughie was tracing a pattern in the carpet with his finger. 体吉在用手指勾画地毯上一个图案的轮廓。
When I think of how she went on a bout hughie, I can see why he left her. 想到她是怎么数落胡伊的,我就明白他为什么离开她了。
Hughie ain't rejecting me again. 休伊应该不会再次拒绝我了。
Boss set up Hughie as his personal Humpty dumpty. 老板安排休伊做他的陪葬品。
He looked so miserable that Hughie pitied him, and felt in his pocket to see what money he had. Classic nerds wear plastic pocket protectors that protect their shirts from the ink in their many pens. 他看起来十分痛苦,休吉怜悯他,伸手摸摸衣兜里有多少钱。古代的书呆子在衣兜里放防水塑料袋,以防止笔漏水把衬衫弄脏。
Jack and Hughie scrambled to their feet and ran, the doll forgotten. 杰克和胡伊拔腿就跑,忘了手中的娃娃。
Jack and Hughie got hold of the doll before poor Meggie had a chance to see it properly. 还没等可怜的麦琪饱看一番,杰克和胡伊就把娃娃抢走了。
The second chapter centers on Hughie and Long Day's Journey into Night. 第二章分析《休吉》和《长日入夜行》。