Mr Hulme said huntsman was looking at a range of possible plants in China, including some owned by Chinese chemicals groups, which he did not identify, and plants owned by Clariant and BASF. 胡铭表示,亨斯迈正在研究中国境内一系列可能成为收购对象的工厂,包括一些中国化工集团(他没有点名)旗下的工厂,以及科莱恩和巴斯夫拥有的工厂。
The obvious place to look is China, said Paul Hulme, global president of Huntsman's textile effects division, which makes advanced dyes and chemicals for clothes manufacturers. 中国是我们显然要看一看的地方,亨斯迈纺织染化部门全球总裁胡铭(PaulHulme)表示。该部门为服装制造商生产先进染料和化学品。
Its author, Professor Michael Hulme of Lancaster University, names this age group "digital natives" as they have grown up in an environment rich with computer and mobile technology. 调查报告的作者、兰卡斯特大学的迈克尔•赫米教授认为,电脑和手机等电子设备已经充斥了当今社会生活的方方面面,在这种环境中长大的年轻人可以称得上是“数码一代”。
Yet Mr Hulme admits he is uncertain that the crisis is really over. 不过,胡铭承认,他不能肯定危机真的已经结束。
Phyllis Hulme's family and friends were aghast when she told them doctors planned to put maggots on her leg ulcer. 菲莉丝.尔姆的家人和朋友目瞪口呆,当她告诉他们,医师打算在她腿部的溃烂伤口上放蛆。
The sweetest grapes hang the highest.-F. E. Hulme 最甜美的葡萄挂在最高的树梢。&赫尔姆
Mr Hulme said the two European multinationals might be unwilling to sell in the short term at prices that Huntsman would be willing to pay. 胡铭表示,这两家欧洲跨国集团也许在短期内不愿按亨斯迈愿意支付的价格,出售自己的工厂。
"We are in a very comfortable position," Mr Hulme said in an interview with the financial times. “我们处于十分有利的地位,”胡铭在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示。
Juliet hulme: all the best people have bad chests and bone diseases. it's all frightfully romantic. 朱丽叶休默:所有最棒的人都有糟糕的胸腔和骨病。但它们却可怕得浪漫。
You don't hear people from Manchester moaning that they can't afford to live in Cheadle Hulme [ a middle class suburb in that northern city]. 你不会听到曼彻斯特的人抱怨自己负担不起在CheadleHulme(该市北部的一个中产阶级居住区)的生活。
Swan& Goswami ( 1997) and Hulme et al ( 2002)' s instruments are used to measure three linguistic units of phonological awareness: syllable awareness, onset-rime awareness and phoneme awareness. 研究采用了Swan&Goswami(1997)和Hulmeetal(2002)的工具测试语音意识的三个语言单位:音节意识,首音-韵脚意识和音位意识。