"When a company asks you to include pay requirements with your resume, it can be used against you," Humbert says. “如果一家公司要求在发送的简历中说明薪资要求,这其实有可能日后对应聘者不利,”亨伯特说道。
So, it has a quality that is different from Humbert's elaborate world view through which we see or don't see Lolita. 所以它有一种不同于亨伯特的精制世界观的特质,这在洛丽塔里也许出现过。
Humbert would have to overcome her habitual sloth and write to miss phalen's sister. 亨伯特太太将不得不克服一下她惯有的懒惰积习而给费伦小姐的妹妹写封信。
Understanding of Lolita should be based on examination of the characteristics of Humbert, of Humbert s female aesthetics, and of the meaning of the tragedy. 解读《洛丽塔》,准确把握亨伯特性格特征、情爱美学及悲剧意蕴至关重要,而重新审视一般论者赞美有加的小说文体亦不可或缺。
This doesn't look forward to Humbert's poem; it already is a poem and it is a poem to the crazed, aroused mind of Humbert. 不期待亨伯特自己的诗,它已经是一首,让其疯狂,引其深思的诗。
Have you ever tried painting, humbert? 亨伯特,你曾否试过绘画?
For the past 22 years, Grenoble students have been asked to have a PC. The question now is to find out whether the iPad will replace PCs, says Marc Humbert, head of the Innovation Laboratory. 过去22年中,格勒诺贝尔管理学院一直要求学生拥有个人电脑。现在的问题是了解iPad能不能取代电脑,创新实验室负责人马克安贝尔(MarcHumbert)表示。
Humbert: Don't touch me; I'll die if you touch me. 不要碰我。你一碰,我就彻底完了。
Remember, I argued that Lolita has a dead child, and she dies in childbirth, in a way, because it's a kind of creativity that Nabokov wants to cancel, or that Humbert wants to cancel. 记住我说过Lolita有一个死去的孩子,而她自己也在分娩中死去,在某种意义上,因为这是一种创造,所以Nabokov想要取消,或者说Humbert想要取消。
This is herbert, I mean humbert. 这位是赫伯特;我是说亨伯特。
Lolita tells us an abnormal story in which Humbert, a 40 years old man fell in love with a 12 years girl, nymphet, Lolita. 《洛丽塔》讲述了40多岁老男人亨伯特迷恋上12岁小仙女洛丽塔的畸恋故事。
By using these strategies Nabokov succeeds in achieving the delicate narrative balance, and Humbert reaches his narrative motivation of self-justification. 通过这些策略的运用,纳博科夫成功地保持了微妙的叙事平衡,亨伯特成功地实现了其自我辩护的叙事动机。
Lolita, written by Vladimir Nabokov, tells us an abnormal story in which Humbert, a middle-aged man falls in love with 12-years-old Lolita. 俄裔美籍作家弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫的名作《洛丽塔》,讲述了中年男人亨伯特迷恋上12岁的宁芙洛丽塔的畸恋故事。
Humbert, as a matter of fact, is a solipsist trapped in his own obsession of timelessness, while Lolita is regarded by him as an exit of his incestuous lust and a means to escape the imprisonment of time. 亨伯特实际上是一个唯我论者,受困于对永恒的幻想,而洛丽塔被他当成发泄欲望的工具与逃离时间监禁的出口。
Humbert is capable of restricting her body, but he can not control her mind. 亨伯特只能够限制她的身体,却无法控制她的内心。
Various genres are adopted by Humbert as complementary parts to his monologue so that it can be more convincing. 他采用了不同的文体作为他的独白的补充使整个自白更有说服力。
The protagonist Humbert is a knight who pursues and fights for his Great Grail. 主人公亨伯特是位现代的圣杯骑士,努力追寻和捍卫自己的目标。
Owing to his spiritual relying on his childhood love, Humbert takes childhood in the past as his temporally spiritual home while he can only exile in the prison of the present. 因其对童年初恋的精神依恋,亨伯特把过去的童年当作时间上的精神家园,但他只能在现在时间的牢狱中漂泊。
The focalization strategy brings readers to the inner most of Humbert and to think in Humbert s shoes. 叙事聚焦的安排将读者带到了亨伯特的内心世界,诱导读者站在亨伯特的立场上思考问题。