HP sports a different CEO this year for the third year running ( Meg Whitman replaced Leo apotheker who replaced Mark Hurd who left in August 2010). 惠普已连续三年每年都换一任首席执行官(梅格•惠特曼取代了李艾科,之前是李艾科取代了2010年8月离职的马克•赫德)。
Hurd left the News Corp board after his resignation from HP amid an HP board investigation into his ethical conduct. 赫德从惠普公司辞职后,也退出了新闻集团董事会,当时惠普公司董事会正就他的作风问题对他进行调查。
Perkins also helped Hurd get a News Corp board seat. 而且珀金斯也为赫德在新闻集团谋得了一个董事会席位。
Mark Hurd has been co-president of mega-cap technology company Oracle for three years now, having joined shortly after his dramatic exit as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. 马克•赫德戏剧性地辞去惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)CEO的职务之后不久,便加入了大型科技公司甲骨文(Oracle),如今他担任公司联席总裁已有三年时间。
CEO Leo apotheker has blamed the regime of former CEO Mark Hurd ( who was ousted a year ago amid scandal) for neglecting these areas, which offer much better margins than hardware does. 作为马克•赫德(一年前,赫德因为性骚扰丑闻离任)的继任者,惠普现任首席执行官李艾科指责赫德忽视了上述两大业务,相比于硬件业务,网络和服务业务能带来更高的利润率。
Mr Hurd stepped down from his positions as president and CEO after an investigation into claims made against him by a former HP contractor. 在一次对由惠普前承包商提出的指控调查后,赫德先生从他惠普总裁和首席执行官的任上退下。
The glibc portal leads to the documentation and download location of the GNU/ Linux and GNU/ Hurd system library. glibcportal提供了GNU/Linux和GNU/Hurd系统库的文档和下载位置。
The standard BSD libc libraries and the glibc library underlying GNU/ Linux and GNU/ Hurd systems perform this function. 这项功能由GNU/Linux和GNU/Hurd系统下的标准BSDlibc库和glibc库完成。
Mr Hurd had the grace to turn down their praise. 赫德先生有拒绝别人赞美的雅量。
Mark Hurd, CEO of Hewlett-Packard, described Chinas as an amazing market with tremendous growth. 惠普(HP)首席执行官马克赫德(MarkHurd)形容中国为一个令人惊叹的市场,增长飞快。
HP has hired the firm Spencer Stuart to help it find an executive who can replace Hurd permanently. Lesjak, chief financial officer, has taken herself out of the running. 惠普已经雇用了斯宾塞-斯图亚特公司帮助他们寻找一位能够永久代替赫德的首席执行官。首席财务官莱斯雅克已经退出本次竟选。
In fact, maybe Mr akerson should resign now and let GM recruit Mr Hurd as its fifth man. 事实上,或许阿科尔森现在应该辞职,让通用汽车去雇用赫德作为第五位首席执行官。
The chance that Mr Hurd, a well-regarded manager, would have to resign could have spooked investors. 赫德是一位备受赞誉的管理者,如果他被迫辞职,可能会吓坏投资者。
This makes it all the more surprising that Mr Hurd, who seems to be a sensible chap, took on the chairmanship of HP. 这使赫德先生的举动更加令人惊讶。他看上去是一个精明的家伙,却兼任了惠普的董事长。
Mark Hurd, her successor, cut costs but was ousted in2010 after a dust-up over sex and expenses before he could fix the firm's strategy. 她的继任者马克•赫德对成本进行了削减,但他在2010年因性丑闻和虚报费用等事被免职,也未能对公司战略进行及时调整。
The first was the sex scandal that resulted in the resignation of Mark Hurd as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard. 第一件事情,是导致马克赫德(markhurd)辞去惠普(hewlett-packard)首席执行官的性丑闻。
One person familiar with Mr Hurd's position said he had no more than half a dozen dinners with the contractor, and denied that the relationship had been inappropriate. 一位熟悉赫德情况的人士表示,赫德只不过和这位承包商一起吃过六次晚饭,并否认存在不正当关系。
Lord Hurd, a former British Foreign Secretary, argues that the West should relax its conditions on talking to Iran or the militant group Hamas. 英国前外交大臣赫德勋爵(lordhurd)指出,西方国家应放宽与伊朗或哈马斯组织(hamas)进行谈判的条件。
Both Mr Hurd and Carly Fiorina, who was chief executive before him, departed amid discord. 赫德及其前任卡莉菲奥莉娜(carlyfiorina),均是在董事会的分歧中离开惠普的。
On Sunday, Mr Ellison, Oracle and a representative for Mr Hurd all declined to comment. 周日,埃里森、甲骨文方面和赫德的一名代表都拒绝置评。
HP moved quickly to try to contain the damage, reassuring Wall Street about its current performance by raising its earnings guidance and ruling out any broader impact on the company from the allegations against Mr Hurd. 惠普迅速采取行动以控制影响。该公司提高盈利指引,否认针对赫德的指控将对公司造成更广泛的影响,以求让华尔街对其当前业绩放心。
The suit seeks an injunction preventing Mr Hurd taking up the role. 惠普希望法院能够签发禁令,阻止赫德接受甲骨文的任命。
I have read the news stories and press releases and the only damning thing I could find was that Mr Hurd and the woman had some dinners together that were put on expenses. 我阅读了新闻报道和企业新闻稿,能够找到唯一可咒骂的事情,是赫德与这位女士数次共同进餐,餐费被记在了公司账上。