Husain Haqqani, the new Pakistan ambassador to the United States, tells VOA he strongly disagrees with the RAND report. 巴基斯坦新任驻美国大使哈卡尼对美国之音说,他完全不同意兰德公司的报告。
Pakistan's Ambassador, Husain Haroon, is optimistic, saying there has been a great deal of divisiveness in the past, but that views are starting to converge. 巴基斯坦常驻联合国大使侯赛因·哈伦对安理会改革感到乐观。他说,过去在这个问题上有很多不同意见,而现在,人们正在开始取得共识。
Husain Haqqani denied any involvement in the memo forwarded to America's most senior military officer Admiral Mike Mullen. 侯赛因·哈卡尼否认牵扯到一份写给美军最高级军官迈克?马伦上将的备忘录。