Kitty hiccups, also known as 32-year-old David Hyland, graduated from College-Conservatory of music in the University of Cincinnati. 吉蒂西卡伯斯,其实是一位32岁的男子,原名戴维海兰德,毕业于辛辛那提大学音乐学院。
But this power couple, with an estimated$ 300 million net worth, oversee their own business empire, including the Hilton Hyland real-estate firm and a global line of women's wear. 但这对估计资产净值达三亿美元、珠联璧合的夫妇其实还掌管着他们自己的商业帝国,其中包括房地产公司HiltonHyland和一家全球女装连锁企业。
Later merges it with his partner's business to form Hilton Hyland. 后来他将这家公司同合伙人的公司合并,组成了HiltonHyland公司。
Meanwhile, Hilton Hyland reports almost$ 2 billion in sales in 2013. 与此同时,HiltonHyland公布2013年销售收入接近20亿美元。
The most dynamic international hotel group operating in China, holds its annual World of Accor trade expo in Shanghai at Sofitel Hyland Shanghai. 中国最具活力的国际酒店集团&法国雅高集团在上海索菲特海仑宾馆举行其年度“雅高世界巡礼”。
Denise Hyland was a tall, freckle-faced Irish girl with kind, beautiful eyes and an infectious smile. 丹尼斯。海兰是个身材高挑、满脸雀斑的爱尔兰裔女孩,眼睛温柔美丽,笑起来很有感染力。
Please note: It may take a few minutes to experience relief from Hyland's Bug Bite Ointment, but relief is long-lasting. 请细致:大概必要几分钟来感觉到缓解,但是这种缓解持续时间长。
British designer Patrick Hyland unveiled a concept cell phone for Nokia that can draw energy from body temperature. 英国设计师帕特里克·海兰为诺基亚设计的一款可以通过人体体温中获取能量的概念手机&E-Cu。
There is no expiration date on any of our homeopathic products, except for our Hyland's Vitamin C. 我们公司的任何一款顺势疗法的产品上都不标有保质期,除了Hyland's的维生素C小片之外。
Analysis of Chemical Compositions of Volatile Oil in Elsholtzia Ciliata ( Thunb.) Hyland by Different Extractive Methods 秦岭德昌香薷不同提取方法挥发油成分分析