These high frequencies correspond to the rotation speeds of centrifuges; America tightly controls the export of frequency converter drives able to operate at frequencies above 600 Hz. 这些高频率与离心机的转速相对应;美国对能够以600赫兹以上频率运行的频率转换器驱动的出口进行了严格管控。
Then multiply by the square root of the BW in Hz gives the total noise voltage. 再乘以以赫兹为单位的带宽的平方根,可以得到总噪声电压。
The spectrum level of microseismic noise tends to peak at about 1/ 6 Hz. 微震的噪声谱在1/6赫趋于峰值。
When such fields do not vary with time they are referred to as static and have a frequency of0 Hz. 当这种磁场不随着时间而发生变化时它们被称为静态,所具有的频率为0赫兹。
We base in HZ, planning to go traveling to Xinjiang next year, then back to Canada. 我们呆惠州一段时间,明年计划去新疆旅行,然后回加拿大。
These compact analyzers also offer high-performance functions, such as the1 Hz resolution frequency setting function and1 Hz resolution frequency counter function. 这些紧凑型分析仪还提供高效能的功能,例如:1Hz的决议频率设置功能和1赫兹决议频率计数器功能。
Resolution's vertical refresh rate in Hz. 单位为赫兹,分辨率的垂直刷新率。
HZ: As this is a Hangzhou magazine, have you visited here, will you in the future and what's you impression of Hangzhou? 这是一本杭州的杂志,你们到过这里吗?以后会来吗?你对杭州有什么样的印象?
Comparison between Auditory Steady-State Response and 40 Hz Auditory Event Related Potential in the Evaluation of Hearing Thresholds 听性稳态反应与40Hz听觉相关电位在听阈评估中的比较
The DAQ device can then breathe easier and sample at only, say, 600 Hz. DAQ设备可以更容易监测好采样频率为600Hz的信号。
Control System of 800 kV/ 100 Hz High Power Microwave Power Supply 800kV/100Hz高功率微波驱动电源控制系统
A measure of sound intensity equivalent to one decibel at 1000 Hz. 一种声强的量度单位,其值等价于1000Hz1分贝。
Provides 18 dB-per-octave cutoff at 80 Hz. 80赫兹时,提供每八度18分贝的截频。
The Application of 1000 Hz Probe Tone Tympanometry to Infants 婴儿1000Hz探测音鼓室导抗测试结果分析
HZ: Can you describe the differences between playing China and playing abroad? 在中国演出和境外演出有什么不同?
We used a Mega Hz focused transducer to focus on the surface of the calculus model and tried different frequency, intensity, time and duty cycle. 本文利用兆赫兹频率级别的聚焦超声换能器诱发冲击波作用于结石模型材料,采用不同的声波参数包括频率、强度、占空比等进行了实验。
The largest displacement that can be recorded is one meter. The bandwidth is from about 0.2 Hz to 200 Hz. 最大可记录位移1米,频带宽度约为0.2赫到200赫。
HZ: What's you greatest achievement as a band? 作为乐队你最大的成就是什么?
Rate of signal oscillation in hertz. 信号振荡的速率,以赫兹(Hz)为单位。
The frame rate is then 60 Hz. 这时,帧速率为60赫。
One Hz equal one cycle per second. 1赫兹等于每秒钟重复显示一次。