Turkey, like Sudan, is not a member of the International Criminal Court, or ICC. 土耳其跟苏丹一样,都不是国际刑事法院的成员。
The United States is not a party to the ICC but is understood to have provided some support for its Darfur war crimes inquiry. 虽然美国不是国际刑事法院的成员,不过众所周知美国为该法院在达尔富尔战争罪的调查中提供了协助。
The ICC has no police force and relies on state co-operation to enforce arrests. 国际刑事法院没有强制规定,而是依靠国家间的合作来执行逮捕。
The arbitration award rendered by Singapore ICC shall be final and complied by the parties. 新加坡国际刑事法院提供的仲裁裁决是终局的,符合各方。
Libya is not an ICC member state and is therefore not obliged to arrest the court's suspects. 利比亚不是国际刑事法院的成员,因而没有逮捕法庭嫌犯的义务。
This paper summarized the theory of color management technology of LCD with LED backlight based on ICC specification, and introduced the way of specialization and research aspects in the future. 文章综述了基于ICC标准的色彩管理技术的原理,介绍了LED背光液晶显示器特征化的实现方法及将来的研究方向。
To begin with, the ICC was empowered, upon complain, to investigate and lower rates. 首先州际商业委员会被授权在有人申诉时进行调查并降低运价。
The new legislation empowered the ICC to suspend general rate increases and revise rates on its own initiative. 新立法授权州际商业委员会中止普通提价,并根据它的动议修改运价。
The Global Compact is a joint project between the UN and the International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC) 全球盟约是联合国和国际商会(ICC)的一项合作项目。
ICC provides business input to the United nations, the world trade organization, and many other intergovernmental bodies, both international and regional. 国际商会为联合国、世界贸易组织、其它国际和区域性政府间组织提供相关商务机会。
Your definition already very very close to function of ICC. 你的定义已经非常接近ICC的功能。
Equally vital is icc's role in forging internationally agreed rules and standards that companies adopt voluntarily and can be incorporated in binding contracts. 同等重要的是国际商会所扮演的角色,其编写全球协商一致的规则和标准,该规则和标准被公司自愿采用,并被吸纳入相关合同。
The UN Security Council referred the Libyan violence to the ICC in February. 联合国安理会在二月份将利比亚发生的暴力行为提交国际刑事法院。
Build environment: AVR ICC functions: graduate design, produce a voltage and current temperature monitoring equipment. 编译环境:AVRICC功能:毕业设计,制作一个电压电流温度监控设备。
The ICC prosecutors rely on intermediaries to act on their behalf in remote parts of Africa. icc检察官们依赖中介人代表他们在遥远的非洲采取行动。
The ICC has one notable chance to prove its worth-in Kenya. 在肯尼亚有一个重大机会让icc证明它的价值。
Traditionally, ICC has acted on behalf of business in making representations to governments and intergovernmental organizations. 从传统意义上来说,国际商会代表商业界的利益向政府和政府间组织提出某种请求。
Where does that leave the high hopes that accompanied the creation of the ICC ten years ago? 从ICC十年前被创建起,一直伴随左右对公正的强烈渴求现在到哪去了?
The ICC must now issue its indictment against Mr Bashir if the evidence warrants it. 如果有证据的支持,ICC现在就必须起诉巴希尔。
He underscored the fact the ICC has no jurisdiction over Sudan. 他强调,国际刑事法院对苏丹没有管辖权。
As you know, private sector bribery has long been an issue of concern for ICC. 诚如你所知,因私贿赂是国际商会长期以来关注的话题。
China should maintain sound relations with ICC and make good preparations for entry in appropriate time. 中国应从自身实际和利益出发,处理好与国际刑事法院的关系并为适时加入做好准备。
When you are trying to build an ICC for a press, what you are looking for? 当你尝试制作一个印刷ICC时,你需要的是什么?
ICC gives priority to the issues that most urgently concern its members. 国际商会对与会员有关的最迫切主题享有优先权。
A referral the ICC is necessary because Libya is not a party to the ICC Rome Statute. 利比亚不是国际刑事法院《罗马规约》(RomeStatute)缔约国,因此有必要由安理会向国际刑事法院作出提交。
The guide and web portal will be launched at the ICC-Commercial Crime Services annual seminar in London later today. 指南和网站将于今天晚些时候在商业罪案局(ICC)年度讨论会上公布。
Despite these contortions, the ICC still has popular support in Kenya. 尽管有这些曲解,icc在肯尼亚还是拥有广泛支持。
As a permanent institution, the ICC was supposed to replace the sort of ad hoc but well-resourced tribunals which have meted out justice in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. 作为一个永久性机构,人们认为icc应该代替那种临时设立但拥有良好资源的法庭,例如那些在卢旺达和前南斯拉夫伸张正义的法庭。