OMG IDL will not permit empty enumerations. OMGIDL不允许空的枚举。
Create these enumeration literals in this enumeration: DNS, IDL, ISO, DCE and OTHER. 在DNS、IDL、ISO、DCE和OTHER中创建这些枚举文字。
IDL does not support open arrays, as in C and C++, because there is no pointer support. IDL不支持在C和C++中的开放数组,这是因为没有指针支持。
We use UUID in the IDL file to make it unique amongst all other interfaces on the network. 我们在IDL文件中使用UUID,以使之在网络上所有其他接口中保持惟一。
IDL is a specification language. IDL是一种规范语言。
The OMG CORBA specification describes the IDL union as a cross between a C union and a switch statement. OMGCORBA规范将IDL联合描述成C联合类型和switch语句的混合物。
These requirements gave rise to the IDL array and sequence. 这种需求产生了IDLarray和sequence。
The UML to CORBA transformation transforms UML2.0 model elements into CORBA Interface Definition Language ( IDL). UML-to-CORBA转换将UML2.0模型中的元素转换到CORBA接口定义语言(IDL)。
After the transformation executes, you can view the generated IDL files in the package explorer. 在转换被执行之后,您能够在包浏览器中看到生成的IDL文件。
The transformation generates a single IDL file for each UML component. 转换过程为每一个UML组件生成一个单一的IDL文件。
Transformation will generate an IDL file for this component. 转换过程将为这个组件生成一个IDL文件。
The path should end with the name of the IDL file. 该路径应该以IDL文件的名称作为结束。
When dealing with char you must remember that OMG IDL must deal with character sets on two levels. 处理char时,必须记住OMGIDL必须分两个层次处理字符集。
What it uses, WSDL, is an XML-based service IDL that defines the service interface as well as its implementation characteristics. 它所使用的WSDL是一个基于XML的服务IDL,定义了服务接口和其实现特征。
Let's start with an interface that exercises what we have learned about IDL. 让我们开始定义接口吧,这将运用我们所学到的IDL知识。
CORBA Transformation is integrated with ClearCase for source control of generated IDL files. CORBA变换被集成在ClearCase中用作生成的IDL文件的源控制器。
A complete and correct IDL file was created from the CORBA model using CORBA Transformation. 一个完整的正确的IDL文件通过使用CORBA转换被创建出来。
What should be obvious is that OMG IDL provides a rich set of built-in types and keywords that can be used to create a fine-grained description for interacting with an object in a distributed system. 显而易见,OMGIDL提供了一组内容丰富的内置类型和关键字,它们可以用来为与分布式系统中的对象的交互创建严密的描述。
Yes, even IDL has to have a standard character set that it will be built on. 是的,连IDL都必须有一个标准字符集,它将构建在这个字符集上。
Since this is all about communication, lets look at some IDL that defines a Listener and a Speaker. 由于这一切都与通信有关,就让我们看一些定义Listener和Speaker的IDL。
OMG IDL has multidimensional, fixed-size arrays of arbitrary element type. OMGIDL有任意元素类型的多维固定大小的数组。
Instead, you should try to create conceptually different types that will add readability and extendibility to your IDL. 您应该尝试创建不同概念的类型,它将为您的IDL添加可读性和可扩展性。
Every other IDL type may have its representation altered during transmission. 其它每种IDL类型在传输时都有表示变化。
We put all the common declarations and data types in the interface definition language ( IDL) file that will be shared and used by the client and server. 我们把所有共用的声明和数据类型放在接口定义语言(IDL)文件中,客户机和服务器将共享这个文件。
I mentioned the concept of a service IDL and the role of WSDL. 我提到了一个服务IDL概念和WSDL的任务。
The syntax and semantics for defining constants in IDL are identical to C++. 在IDL中定义常数的语法和语意与C++一样。
Modify the ignore embedded IDL property. 修改“忽略嵌入的idl”属性。
Developing the System of RS Information Extraction Based on Web and IDL 基于Web和IDL的遥感信息提取系统开发
The IDL provides a means to describe these interfaces in a language independent manner. 利用该IDL,可以以独立于语言的方式来描述这些接口。
Modify the merge IDL base file name property. 修改“合并的idl基文件名”属性。