Adsorption of antimony on IOCS: kinetics and mechanisms 石英砂负载氧化铁吸附锑的动力学及其吸附机理研究
But to develop these reserves, IOCS still present resource-owner governments with unmatched capabilities. 但要想开发这些储量,国际石油公司仍然具有资源所有国政府无法匹敌的能力。
The Total-Gazprom deal also deflates the idea that international oil companies ( IOCs) tend to become redundant in a world of rising national oil companies ( NOCs). 此次道达尔和俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司达成的交易还弱化了这样一种想法:在一个国家石油公司(NOCs)日益崛起的世界里,国际石油公司(IOCs)往往会变得多余。
There was no alternative to choosing a partner among the IOCS, apart from leaving the gas in the ground. 除了在国际石油公司中选择一个合作伙伴以外,它别无选择,除非将这些天然气留在地下。
What is new is the increasing difficulty IOCS have in finding countries in which to replace their reserves that do not have government monopoly over exploration and production. 新的问题是,国际石油公司越来越难以在其它国家找到可以替代不受政府垄断的油气储量。
The characteristics and manufacturing method of activated Iron oxide Coated sand adsorption ( IOCS) are introduced. 介绍了活性氧化铁/石英砂吸附剂(IOCS)的特点和制备方法。
However, when Sb was as competitive ion, competitive adsorption occurred and the adsorptive efficiency, capacity and rate of P were reduced. 而以Sb3+为背景离子时,其对IOCS除磷的吸附容量明显降低,产生了竞争吸附。