ISA is a Web-based cross-platform database server administration tool, used to monitor multiple Informix servers. ISA是基于Web的跨平台的数据库服务器管理工具,用于监视多个Informix服务器。
With respect to the ISA Lite version of the collector, you can download this from the web. 关于收集器的ISALite版本,您可以从网站下载。
You can run ISA Lite with the-help option to view information on how to use the tool. 可以运行ISALite并指定-help选项来查看关于如何使用该工具的信息。
Feedback can be provided through this article or through ISA. 可以通过ISA或本文提供反馈。
Using ISA, you can create a new instance and edit the configuration from a remote machine. 在使用ISA时,可以从远程机器创建新实例并编辑配置。
It also has a help page that can guide you to perform various operations with ISA. 它也有一个帮助页面,可以指导您如何使用ISA执行各种操作。
Note that the ISA logs are included in the collection zip archive and mentioned in the previous section. 请注意ISA日志被包括在收集zip存档中,这在以前的部分中已经提到过。
The article has explained the migration process from ISA to OAT. 本文解释了从ISA到OAT的迁移过程。
This starts the ISA Lite collector in console mode and records the answers given exactly as typed. 这会在控制台模式下启动ISALite收集器并记录与输入完全一致的答案。
EDI Splitter is required only if an input document with multiple EDI ISA is expected. 只有在预期输入文档带有多个EDIISA时才需要EDISplitter。
Add ISA apache port number, Informix server name, and installation directory, and then save it. 添加ISAapache端口号、Informix服务器名称和安装目录,然后保存。
ISA runs the daemon process on the server machine to monitor the IDS. ISA在服务器机器上运行守护进程来监控IDS。
Now you are allowed to monitor the IDS using ISA. 现在,您可以使用ISA监控IDS了。
This avoids additional prompts that appear in the ISA Lite console mode with the Quick Collect mode. 使用QuickCollect模式,可以避免在ISALite控制台模式下出现附加提示。
The ISA virus is not harmful to humans, it added. ISA病毒对人类无害,它补充道。
Said they suspected that the disease originated upstream in Angola and Namibia. 环境、野生生物与旅游部的高级野生生物官员IsaAlidi说他们怀疑这种疾病起源于安哥拉和纳米比亚的上游。
Select the ISA Server services to stop when the alert is triggered. 选择在触发警报时要停止的isa服务器服务。
Dance, then, isa avocation for you. 那么跳舞对你来说就是一个“副业”。
Specify a domain name for ISA Server to include in this network. 指定一个isa服务器要包括在此网络中的域名。
That isa and I are Siamese twins. 伊莎和我是双胞胎。
Specify authentication methods and settings used to authenticate clients connecting to the ISA Server computer. 指定客户端连接到isa服务器计算机时进行身份验证要使用的方法和设置。
Isa server encountered the following failures communicating with other computers during the report period. 此报告期间,isa服务器遇到以下问题,无法与其他计算机进行通信。
This report shows the HTTP responses received from the ISA server. 此报告显示从isa服务器收到的http响应。
Select the appropriate system security level for this isa server. 请选择此isa服务器适当的系统安全等级。
Isa server decrypts encrypted traffic and applies inspection and filtering to the content. isa服务器对加密的通讯进行解密,并对内容进行检查和筛选。
Design of data acquisition card software system based on ISA bus and KH-9300 基于ISA总线与KH-9300的数据采集系统软件设计
This article puts forward a new method of B-code generating and decoding basing on ISA bus. 给出了一种基于ISA总线的B码产生与解调系统设计的新方法。
This isa railway station the like of which you've never seen before. 这是一个火车站这是你之前从未看到过的。
Your ISA plug and play cards are not properly configured. 你的ISA即插即用卡不适当被配置。
The paper describes application of the top blown smelting technology in lead smelting by both Mount Isa and Ausmelt and development of this technology. 分别介绍了芒特艾萨和奥斯麦特两家公司将顶吹熔炼技术应用于铅冶炼的实践,以及该技术的发展。