Less affluent militaries often buy high-end turboprop aircraft to conduct ISR and other flights, and many eschew owning a fleet of expensive jet fighters altogether. 那些手头吃紧的军队则常常购买高端涡轮螺旋桨飞机来执行ISR及其他飞行任务,而许多国家都会避免拥有一支纯粹由昂贵的喷气战机组成的机队。
Since you have already set the ( simulated) register values appropriately, the ISR will process normally as if it was a real interrupt. 由于已经正确设置了(模拟)寄存器的值,ISR会正常进行处理,就仿佛它是一个真正的中断。
The primary aim of this approach is to simulate interrupts and test whether the ISR handles all possible interrupts. 这种方法的主要目的是模拟中断,并测试ISR是否处理了所有可能的中断。
The kernel will stop at this point when the ISR schedules the tasklet/ bottom half. 当ISR对这个tasklet/bootomhalf进行调度时,内核就会在这个断点处停止。
Once the interrupt has been raised, the driver's ISR will be called. 一旦中断被触发,就会调用驱动程序的ISR。
Even the jiffies ( small packets of kernel time for timing interrupts) are not altered and this lets you debug the Interrupt Service Routine. 此时连jiffies(用来对中断进行计时的内核时钟滴答数)都不会改变,这样就可以对ISR进行调试了。
To limit the number# ifdefs in the ISR, you should# define all the registers and keep all these# defines in a separate header file. 为了限制ISR中ifdef的数量,应该使用define来定义所有的寄存器,并将所有的define语句都放到一个单独的头文件中。
This kernel thread will get registered during open in the device driver on successful registration ( request_irq) of the ISR. 这个内核线程应该在成功注册ISR(requestirq)时在设备驱动程序的open函数执行时进行注册。
These techniques are helpful in all possible worlds, including combinations of interrupts and ISR, such as slow interrupt, fast interrupt, tasklet, bottom-half, and so on. 这些技术在所有可能的情况中都非常有用,包括中断和ISR的组合,例如慢中断、快中断、tasklet、bottom-half等等。
This approach requires some changes in the ISR. 这种方法需要在ISR中进行一些修改。
This strategy requires the kernel thread to raise the interrupt so that the device's ISR will get called. 这种策略需要一个内核线程来触发中断,这样就可以调用该设备的ISR了。
He writes that the child in the video, Elizabeth, has been trained properly by certified instructors who teach the infant swimming resource ( ISR) technique of swimming and self rescue. 他写道,视频中的婴儿伊丽莎白经过了适当游泳技巧和自救训练,她的教练是位教授婴儿游泳资源(ISR)的认证教练。
This platform will reside on ISRs targeted initially toward retail deployments: For instance, retail stores can display ads on LCD units in various locations. 这个平台将驻留在最初针对零售业部署的ISR上:例如,零售商店可以在不同的地点显示液晶单元的广告。
The effects of multiplicative noise on additive noise-induced internal signal stochastic resonance ( ISR) are studied in a Neurospora circadian clock system driven by external signal or not. 利用有和无外信号作用的脉孢菌生物钟体系,研究了与加性噪音相关或不相关的乘性噪音对加性噪音诱导出的内信号随机共振的影响作用。
Objective To evaluate the clinical value of computed tomographic angiography ( CTA) in the evaluation of in-stent restenosis ( ISR) after coronary stenting. 目的研究CT血管造影(CTA)在评价冠状动脉支架术后支架内再狭窄中的应用价值。
The AXP module is a hardware module that is connected to an ISR router taking power from it and is accessing its network interface. AXP模块与ISR路由器连接,从中获取电力,并访问它的网络接口。
If the character is an ETX, the ISR might set a global flag. 如果其中的一个字节为ETX,中断处理程序就是修改一个全局标志。
It has been observed that the submarine is a "covert and persistent" Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance ( ISR) platform, capable of loitering for long periods close to an enemy. 它已经被观察潜水艇是“隐蔽的和稳固的”情报、监视和侦察(ISR)平台,有能力徘徊用于长期接近到一个敌人。
Conclusion IVUS is the effective ways to access the ISR, the larger plaque area, neointimal area but smaller minimal lumen area were seen in patients with ISR. 结论血管内超声是评价支架内再狭窄的有效的手段,支架内再狭窄患者有更大的斑块面积和内膜增生面积,而最小管腔面积变小。
Assessment and Simulation of a Space ISR Network on Its Imagery Intelligence Acquisition Capability 天基ISR网络成像侦察能力分析与仿真
Research on Preventing SQL Injection Attacks Based on ISR 基于指令集随机化的SQL注入防御技术研究
Practically, AXP allows third party providers and even customers to write applications for their ISR enhancing it in various ways. 事实上,AXP允许第三方提供商甚至用户来为ISR编写应用程序,从而以各种方式来改善它。
AG: Developers can write applications which can collect data from Cisco ISR ( including an interface) and come-up with interesting applications. AG:开发者可以编写应用程序,然后从Cisco的ISR(包含一个接口)采集数据,并得出有趣的应用程序。
If ISR is not activated, the SGSN shall directly delete the concerned PDP context. 如果ISR没有激活,那SGSN应直接删除相关连的PDP上下文。
The teams had access to a simulation lab offering one ISR and one AXP module per team. 这些团队都能够访问为他们提供ISR和AXP模块的虚拟实验室。
The ISR solves a true branch pain point – it optimizes the network and IT infrastructure, while increasing manageability and reducing cost of ownership. ISR解决了分支机构真正为之头疼的问题&它优化了网络和IT的基础架构,同时提高了可管理性并降低了成本。
ISR ( Instruction Set Randomization) is a new, general approach for safeguarding systems against any type of code-injection attack. 指令表随机化(ISR)技术是一种新型的保护系统免遭任何类型注入码攻击的通用方法。
This paper introduces in detail the data structure and ISR, which relates to the network device driver program. 本章详细介绍了与网络设备驱动程序相关的数据结构和中断处理函数。
The main program and interrupt service routine ( ISR) are realized by using modularized software design method. 软件采用模块化软件设计的方法设计了控制系统主程序、中断服务程序及中断服务子程序。
Mailbox and message queue are used for communication between task to task and task to ISR. 消息邮箱和消息队列用来进行任务与任务之间以及ISR与任务之间的通信。