独立电视委员会(监管某些不属于英国广播公司的英国电视频道播放内容) Independent Television Commission (an organization that controls what is allowed to be shown on some television channels in Britain that are not part of the BBC)
A final decision from the ITC could take 16 to 18 months. ITC做出最终裁决还需要16到18个月时间。
HTC has appealed the decision, which could be overruled by a six-member panel. 宏达电已就此提出上诉,ITC的一个六人委员可以推翻该判决。
FOSS patents 'Mueller, as usual, has the most detailed analysis of the HTC case, included a breakdown of the key "claim charts" that Apple filed with the ITC. FOSSPatents的穆勒按照惯例,在网站上发表了宏达电一案最详细的分析报告,其中包括苹果向ITC提起的关键“专利侵权表”(claimcharts)的详细分解。
They follow the Obama administration's veto last Saturday of an ITC order banning the import and sale of some Apple iPhones and iPads. 此前,奥巴马政府上周六否决了国际贸易委员会做出的禁止进口和销售部分苹果iPhone和iPad产品的裁决。
An ITC judge agreed with Apple with regard to four patents, one of which relates to the basic design of the iPhone as a handheld rectangle with rounded corners. 一位国际贸易委员会的法官最终认定三星侵犯了苹果的四项专利,其中一项与iPhone长方形带圆角的基本设计有关。
This paper analyzes images transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks ( WSN), and proposes Images Transmission Control ( ITC) protocol with data grouping. 分析无线传感器网络中的图像传输问题,采用数据分组思想,提出图像传输控制协议。
ITC said the company had been able to retain leadership position in the market and improved its market standing in the consumer mind-space in key competitive markets across the country. 印度烟草公司说,它过去一直能够保持自己在市场中的领导地位,并且还提高了自己在全国主要竞争市场的消费者心中的市场地位。
Decisions are taken by the International Trade Commission, an independent, quasi-judicial federal agency with a politically bipartisan leadership, and are based on a large body of statute and case law. 相关决定会由美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)基于大量成文法和判例法做出。ITC是一家由美国两党领导的、独立的准司法联邦机构。
In its initial ruling on the case, the International Trade Commission ( ITC) found in HTC's favor on two patents and in Apple's favor on two patents. 国际贸易委员会(ITC)在其对此案的初步裁定,发现在HTC的青睐,两项发明专利和两项专利,在苹果公司的青睐。
The ITC, which already has its popular stationery brand of "Classmate" notebooks in the market, would introduce the'green paper'through its Education and Stationery products business. 拥有市场上最畅销文具品牌“同班同学”笔记本的印度烟草公司,将通过教育和文具产品业务部门推出“绿色纸张”产品。
Blue-chip firms controlled by institutional owners, such as ITC, and a handful of subsidiaries of foreign firms such as Unilever, together account for only 18% of overall profits. 由机构投资者控制的蓝筹公司,例如印度烟草公司,以及几个像是联合利华这样的外国公司在本地的子公司,只占总利润的18%。
Apple accused HTC of violating 20 patents relating to the iPhone's user interface, underlying architecture and hardware, and asked the US International Trade Commission and a Delaware court to ban HTC sales in the US. 苹果指控HTC侵犯了自己的20项专利,涉及iPhone用户界面、基础架构和硬件。苹果要求美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)和特拉华州一家法院禁止HTC在美国销售产品。
If Mr Obama overrides the ITC, he will not be endorsing free trade. 如果奥巴马不理会该委员会的建议,他这不是在支持自由贸易。
Of the first 33 priority chemicals recommended by the ITC, EPA concluded that no testing was necessary for about half. 机构间检验委员会推荐的33种优先级化学品中,环境保护局认为有一半不必要进行检验。
Conclusions: Serial sectioning of the SLN allows diagnosis of MICRO and ITC in a significant percentage of cases. 结论:哨兵淋巴结的连续切片增加了微转移和单个癌细胞的诊断。
No extra details have been provided about Nokia's progress in its attempts to block Apple through its ITC and lawsuit measures. 不过这次诺基亚并没有提供与自己以及苹果之间的官司纠纷有关的详细信息。
Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and chuck Grassley, ranking member, who requested the ITC investigation, accused China of trying to fob off American businesses with small steps and empty promises. 要求itc展开调查的美国参议院金融委员会主席马克斯鲍卡斯(maxbaucus)和副主席查尔斯格拉斯利(charlesgrassley),指责中国试图用小动作和空头承诺搪塞美国企业。
At the federal level, the Investment Tax Credit ( ITC) and the Treasury Cash Grants continue to play an important role in stimulating investments in the PV industry. 在联邦一级,投资税收抵免(ITC)和财政部的现金补助继续发挥重要的作用,刺激了光伏产业的投资。
ITC has identified various product and service sectors with potential for developing country suppliers. 美国国际贸易委员会把各个产品和服务部门看作是潜在的发展中国家供应者。
Free-traders should be telling Mr Obama to pass the test by accepting the ITC recommendations. 自由贸易主义者应该告诉奥巴马:采纳美国国际贸易委员会的建议,才能通过这场测试。
The ITC report is the first of two which, on the request from the US Senate, will attempt to measure the impact of intellectual property rights infringement in China and Chinese innovation policies on the US economy. 美国参议院要求itc出具两份报告,以衡量中国的知识产权侵权和创新政策对美国经济的影响,这份报告是其中的第一份。
The International Trade Commission, a US court that has the power to ban import and sales of infringing goods, ruled in an early judgment on Friday that HTC had breached two patents held by Apple. 美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)在上周五作出的初步裁定中称,宏达电子侵犯了苹果持有的两项专利。ITC是一个美国法庭,有权禁止进口和销售侵权的商品。
US solar cell manufacturers this year persuaded the International Trade Commission, an independent quasi-judicial federal agency, to impose CVDs on imports from China. 美国太阳能电池生产商今年说服了美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)对进口自中国的太阳能电池征收反补贴税。国际贸易委员会是具有准司法性质的独立联邦机构。
The ITC says China is not engaging in standard free trade and that its actions meet the established criteria and justify imposition of tariffs under the agreed international rules. 美国国际贸易委员会表示,中国不是在从事规范的自由贸易,该委员会的行动符合现有规定,并证明了根据达成共识的国际规定征收关税的合理性。
All decisions made by ITC and the Judging Panel will be binding in all matters relating to the entries received for the State Technological Invention Award. 创新科技署及评审委员会的一切决定,对香港特区参与国家技术发明奖有关的一切事宜均具约束力。
International Training Centre of the ILO ( ITC/ ILO)-Turin, Italy 劳工组织国际训练中心(国际训练中心)-都灵,意大利
International Trade Centre ( ITC)-Geneva, Switzerland [ UNCTAD/ WTO] 国际贸易中心(国贸中心)-日内瓦,瑞士[贸发会议/世贸组织]
And the ITC Code works, according to the Advertising Association's James Aitchison. 据广告协会的詹姆斯·艾奇孙说,独立电视委员会的法规已开始生效。
I have been trying to purchase ITC credits since yesterday. 我从昨天起一直在设法购买ITC学分。