Dr. Smith spoke about an IUCN project to help people in northern Tanzania better manage their water. 史密斯博士向我们介绍了国际自然保护联合会发起的一个项目,该项目将有助于坦桑尼亚北部居民更好地利用水资源。
The animal is currently listed as vulnerable, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录目前将短尾矮袋鼠列为中度濒危物种。
Stressing the need to underpin conservation activities with sound scholarship, the Director-General said that even though the IUCN was based on governments and NGOs," our real boss is science ". 以完善的奖学金制度加强环境保护,总干事说,尽管自然保护联盟是以各国政府和非政府组织为基础,但“我们真正的老板是科学”。
The IUCN issues the Red List of Threatened Species, the most comprehensive and authoritative conservation inventory of the world's plants and animals species. 国际自然保护联盟发布了《濒危物种红色名单》,是世界上动植物品种的最全面的和最权威的保护清单。
A Great Event of the Global Circle of Environmental Law: A Brief on the Inauguration Ceremony and the First Colloquium of the IUCN Environmental Law Academy; There was a ceremony to usher in the new government. 全球环境法学界的盛事&世界自然保护联盟环境法学院成立典礼暨首届学术年会综述举行了一个典礼欢庆新政府的成立。
This site features the IUCN and provides information about its aims, projects, current programs and upcoming meetings. 这个网站专门介绍了世界自然保护联盟,提供了其目的、项目、当前计划和未来会议等方面的信息。
Collen responds that the IUCN criteria havebeen successfully applied to a wide range of species and that it is vital tohave a consistent scheme. 克伦回复说世界自然保护联盟标准已经成功运用到很多的物种上,并且有必要有一个一致的计划。
The bharal is listed as least concern under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, this equates with pigeons. 岩羊是国际动物保护协会濒危物种名单中最不危险的,就像鸽子一样。
She said she was proud it was the IUCN which had originated the phrase "sustainable development", back in1982 before the Brundtland Report, to which it is usually attributed. 她对于全球环境保护联合会的做法源于“可持续发展”感到自豪,它可追溯于1982布伦特兰报告发表之前。
IUCN Environmental Law Centre 自然保护联盟环境法中心
Nearly a third of all amphibians assessed by the IUCN are under threat, though that pales by comparison with the three-quarters of plant species found to be in danger. 被IUCN评估的所有两栖类中近三分之一都面临绝种的威胁,尽管与处境危险的四分之三的植物物种相比要好得多。
They usedstandard IUCN criteria that take into account population trends and thegeographic ranges of species. 他们采样世界自然保护联盟标准去考虑种群数量的延伸和物种的地理分布。
A review on the IUCN draft of threatened categories of biological species 评世界保护联盟新的物种受威胁分类系统草案
On September 12, the IUCN released its Red List, a list of species at greatest risk of extinction. 9月12号,该联盟发布了一个红色名录,名录上详细列举了濒临灭绝物种的名单。
CCZR has already been listed as the most dangerous species by the red list of IUCN, the main threats is from the introduced mongoose and catfish. 沼泽秧鸡已经被IUCN红色名录列为极危物种,其威胁主要来自引入的獴和鲶鱼。
The World Conservation Union ( IUCN) specified habitat loss, hunting, hurricanes and trade as causes for their decline. 世界自然保护联盟明确地指出栖息地的丧失、狩猎、飓风和鸟类交易是这一物种数量减少的原因。
In practice, this means including the conservation priorities of indigenous communities when compiling species lists such as those of IUCN and CITES. 在实践中,这意味着在汇编国际自然与自然资源保护联合会(IUCU)和联合国濒危物种国际交易公约(CITES)的物种名单时需要纳入土著群落的优先保护物种。
SOME of the planet's most precious animals and plants are disappearing, according to the World Conservation Union ( IUCN). 据世界自然保护联盟给出的数据显示:地球上很多珍贵的动植物正在消失。
Chinese sturgeon is included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 1996, and is also under the category I in state protection species list of China. 1996年中华鲟被列入IUCN红皮书濒危物种,也是我国一级重点保护动物。本研究针对当前中华鲟群体的濒危现状,应用微卫星DNA标记开展中华鲟保护遗传学研究。
Its population status meets the following items of the IUCN new criteria for endangered species: VULNERABLE: A1a, c, d+ 2c, and the species should be classified as Vulnerable. 其种群现状满足IUCN红色名录等级新标准下列条款:VULNERABLE:A1a,c,d+2c,应定为易危物种。
The Categories of Wildlife in Fujian Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threated Species 福建濒危野生动物在世界物种红色名录中的等级划分
The Japanese Marsh Warbler was listed as endangered species in IUCN Red Book ( 1998). IUCN1998世界濒危鸟类红皮书将斑背大尾莺列为濒危物种。
The 439 pteridophyte taxa in Hainan were evaluated according to IUCN Red List 2001 categories and criteria. In addition, the conservation status of all threatened species was reported and documented, and proposals to conserve selected threatened taxa were also presented. 根据IUCN2001年红色名录的等级和标准,对海南濒危蕨类植物的现状进行了初步评估,讨论了海南蕨类植物的受威胁原因,提出了有关保护的对策。
There are 12 species listed in IUCN/ ICBP Red Data Book. 有12种列入IUCN/ICBP红皮书中。
Water Management Is only the Base of Dealing With Water Crisis in the World& An Interview Report with the Director of Water Resources of IUCN 水管理才是解决世界水危机的根本所在&专访世界自然保护联盟水资源项目主任吉尔·博格坎普
Eco-tourism was firstly brought forth by Ceballas-Lascurain, special consultant of IUCN in1983. 生态旅游是由国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)特别顾问谢贝洛斯。拉斯喀瑞于1983年首次提出。
International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural resources ( IUCN) putted forward the concept of sustainable development in the world conservation strategy in 1980. Mrs. 1980年,国际自然与自然资源保护同盟(IUCN)在其世界保护战略中,提出了可持续发展(Sustainabledevelopment)的概念。
The country with more complete legal protection of Nature Reserve mostly adopts a broad sense concept integrated with IUCN. 自然保护区法律保护较完善的国家大多采取与IUCN接轨的广义概念。
In the 1980s, IUCN Special Adviser, Mexico expert first proposed the concept. 20世纪80年代国际自然保护联盟特别顾问、墨西哥专家谢贝洛斯·拉斯克瑞首次提出了生态旅游的概念。