Commonly used drugs such as methyldopa, Symmetrel, Inderal, cimetidine, scopolamine seasickness patches, and digitalis preparations. 常用药物,如甲基多巴、盐酸金刚烷胺、心得安、甲腈咪胺、莨菪胺晕船膏药和洋地黄制剂。
A beta blocker ( trade name Inderal) used in treating hypertension and angina pectoris. This is most effective if a specific receptor blocking agent is available to counter the effects of a given agonist. 一种用来治疗高血压和心绞痛的受体阻滞药。在这方面最有效的是利用特效的受体阻滞药对抗特定激剂的作用。
With inderal united with regitine or verapamil used alone in the oliguric stage. 少尿期联用心得安和酚妥拉明,或单用维拉帕米治疗。
An Inderal test to distinguish normal st t changes 心得安试验对非特异性ST&T改变的鉴别