The consulate will carryon a political dialogue with Indonesia 领事馆将和印度尼西亚举行政治对话。
The violence used against the students sent a chill through Indonesia 针对学生的暴力使得整个印度尼西亚不寒而栗。
Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. 印度尼西亚是世界上第四大人口大国。
Women in Indonesia have secured modern divorce laws that equalize the rights of husbands and wives 印度尼西亚妇女已经获得了现代离婚法的保护,享有和丈夫同等的权利。
Indonesia, with 216 million people, is the fourth most populous country in the world. 有2.16亿人的印度尼西亚是世界第四人口大国。
The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty. 澳大利亚和印度尼西亚的国会尚未批准该条约。
He also won the Thomas Cup with Indonesia in1976,1979 and1984. 还有LiemSwieKing赢得1978年,1979年和1981年的全英男单冠军,同时他也在1976年,1979年和1984年赢得了汤姆斯杯。
The attacks have prompted the Australian government to warn its citizens to think twice before traveling to Indonesia. 堪培拉的官员说,澳大利亚公民常去的旅游圣地巴厘岛仍可能遭受袭击。
Kevin Evans is an experienced election observer working on reconstruction in Indonesia's Aceh province. 凯文。埃文斯是有经验的选举观察员。他曾经参加安查亚省的重建工作。
I absolutely needed to get myself back to Indonesia somehow, on my own dime this time. 我必须让自己再回到巴厘岛才行,这回用的是自己的钱。
Yet there has never been a great deal of interest even in post-Suharto Indonesia in examining the purges. 但即便是在后苏哈托时代,人们也从未对研究那场大清洗运动产生过太大兴趣。
With numerous wholesale and shop points in these markets as well as Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Korea, ECCO has truly become a recognised brand in the region. 通过在这些市场的众多批发商及店铺,ECCO爱步在亚太地区真正成为了一个被大家认可的品牌。
The overall levels of education degree and income of teachers of Chinese in Indonesia are gradually improving. 华文教师整体学历水平、收入水平均逐步提高;
Their connections with overseas Chinese communities in Indonesia were weaken and severed in the past decades due to the political reasons. 由于政治的原因,他们与海外华人社会的联系一度中断。
The plane was flying toward the southeast. Then they continued on to India, Burma, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, and Australia. 飞机在朝东南方向飞行。然后,他们继续向印度、甸、国、加坡、度尼西亚和澳大利亚飞行。
Iran, Pakistan, and Indonesia are likely to experience dramatic events. 伊朗、巴基斯塔和印度很可能会经历重大的事件。
On his third and last trip, he fell overboard on the way back to Indonesia. 我祖父去了三个来回,最后一次回来途中,不慎落海。
In Indonesia, ONLY the Chinese-language is forbidden. 在印泥,只有汉语是被禁止的。
Analysis of the Problems Existing in the Economic and Trade Relations between China and Indonesia; 中国与印度的经贸关系正处于历史性的良好发展阶段。
He is a black face Stump-tailed monkey, living in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. 他是一只黑面短尾猴,住在印度以西亚的苏拉威西岛上。
The two also met on the outskirts of the ASEAN conference in Bali, Indonesia back in July. 今年六月,双方曾在东盟会议期间在巴厘岛进行会面。
Her visits to Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, and China will include discussions on a host of sensitive topics, from climate change to nuclear proliferation. 此次她对于日本,印尼,韩国,和中国的四国访问将会讨论一些比较敏感的话题,比如说气候变暖和核扩散。
ASEAN members are Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. 东盟成员包括文莱、甸、埔寨、度尼西亚、挝、来西亚、律宾、加坡、国以及越南。
Admirable though it is, this policy does not tackle the root cause of indonesia's rising poverty. 虽然这项计划让人倾配,但并未触及贫困加剧的根源。
Most of the 22 developing countries in the study, ranging from central Asia to Indonesia in south-east Asia, registered increases in inequality over the past decade, as measured by the Gini coefficient. 此项研究包括了22个发展中国家,分布在从中亚到东南亚的地区。以基尼系数衡量,在这22个国家里,大多数国家的分配不均问题在过去十年中都有所加剧。
In Indonesia, the nepotism within the Suharto family caused the economic breakdown of the Asian country. 苏哈托家族中存在的裙带主义造成了这个亚洲国家的经济崩溃。
Membership includes Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Singapore. 成员国包括泰国、埔寨、挝、南、莱、尼、来西亚、甸、律宾和新加坡。
It seems to me that the Parties in some Asian countries, such as India and Indonesia, have not done so well in rural work. 我看,亚洲有些国家的党,农村工作也没有搞好。
In 2013, during my visit to Kazakhstan and Indonesia, I put forward the initiatives of building a Silk Road economic belt and a 21st century maritime Silk Road. 2013年我访问哈萨克斯坦和印度尼西亚时,分别提出建设丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路合作倡议。
The new rule is most likely to affect the likes of Lion Air and Indonesia AirAsia, but several airline executives contacted by Reuters said they were not too worried. 这项新规定最有可能影响像是狮航和印尼亚航此类的航空公司,但据路透社联系到的几名航空高管表示,他们并不十分担忧。