At twelve years of age, Iqbal was the size of a six-year old boy. 12岁时,他的身高只相当于一个6岁孩子的高度。
Iqbal Masih was a Pakistani boy who was sold to a carpet industry as a child slave at the age of4 for the equivalent of ( 12) USD. 伊克巴尔·马薛是一名巴基斯坦男孩,4岁时被父亲以相当于12美元的价钱卖给一家地毯工厂当童工。
Then Mr Iqbal built a discount brand for TOPPS, called tile clearing house. 然后,伊克巴勒为topps建起一个折扣品牌,叫作tileclearinghouse。
He struck up a relationship with Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank, which provides microfinance, to turn the dream into reality. Iqbal和孟加拉乡村银行的创始人MuhammadYunus建立了关系,该银行向孟加拉人民提供小额贷款,帮助人们梦想成真。
1877-The National poet of Pakistan, Allama Muhammad Iqbal is born in Sialkot, present-day Pakistan. 1877年的今天,巴基斯坦的民族诗人阿拉玛·穆罕默德·艾求白在锡亚尔科特(位于巴基斯坦)出生。
Iqbal Ansari, Karnataka's labour minister who spearheaded the drive to revive the law, said: Our intention is to give more security and safety to the working woman. 推动恢复该法律的卡纳塔克邦政府劳动部长伊克巴勒•安萨里(IqbalAnsari)表示:我们的目的是给予上班女性更多的安全保障。
Sir Iqbal Sacranie, the former secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, led a six-member delegation to Pakistan in June. 英国前穆斯林协会秘书长伊克巴。桑克雷尼在六月带了一个六人代表团去了巴基斯坦;
Mr Iqbal says some tile manufacturers were initially unwilling to deal with him and that TOPPS buys up sites he is interested in. 伊克巴勒指出,一些瓷砖制造商最初不愿意跟他做生意,而且topps把他感兴趣的地点都买下了。
Mr Iqbal says he started in April 2004, buying two struggling stores that were already using the tile giant name. 伊克巴勒说,他的创业始于2004年4月,收购了已在使用tilegiant名字的两家状况不佳的商店。
Ego in Iqbal's Religion and Philosophy 论伊克巴尔宗教哲学体系中的自我