In Izmir, police raided the homes of Twitter and Facebook users. The charges against those arrested said they had incited crime. 在伊兹米尔,警方突袭了推特和脸书用户的住所,而针对这些被逮捕人员的指控是煽动犯罪。
It appeared on t-shirts and posters and, oddly, was turned into a monument in Turkey's third biggest city, Izmir. 这张照片被印在T恤、海报上,甚至被刻在土耳其第三大城市伊兹密尔的纪念碑上。
An experiment was conducted to study the effects of nitrogen rate and density on growth, yield and quality of Kukulu Izmir. 初步研究了不同氮用量和种植密度对伊兹密尔品种生长状况、产量及质量的影响。
I had three uncles and their children in Adana, in Kozan my sister and her husband, in Bursa and Ankara uncles, in Kayseri and Izmir classmates. 我有三个叔父和他们的孩子在亚达那,我的姐姐和他的丈夫在科扎恩,叔父在布尔沙和安卡拉,我的同班同学在开塞里和伊士麦。
We are a chicken meat producing and exporting company that has been established in Izmir Turkey. 我们是一家鸡肉生产和出口公司,已经建立了在伊兹密尔土耳其。
I asked the operator to get me adana, kozan, bursa, ankara, Kayseri and izmir. 于是我请接线员给我接通了亚达那、科扎恩、布尔沙、安卡拉、开塞里和伊士麦。
Izmir, the city that we had lived in for the last eight years no longer felt a home for I had said goodbye to friends there. 伊兹密尔那个我们居住了八年的城市,已不再有家的感觉,因为我已经挥别了那里所有的朋友。