Seventeen publishers rejected the manuscript before Jenks saw its potential. 17家出版社回绝了这部手稿,直到詹克斯看到了它的潜在价值。
Carrie took it and found that one was Mrs. Bermudez, another Marcus Jenks, a third Percy Weil. 嘉莉接过信封,看到一个是伯缪台兹太太,另一个是马库斯-詹克斯,第三个是珀西-韦尔。
Mr Darrell A Jenks, di-rector of the American Center for Educational Exchange, and also a drummer in the jazz band Window, analyses the phenomenon for us here. 美国驻华使馆教育交流中心主任(也是《天窗》爵士乐队的鼓手)金大友先生为我们分析了这一现象。
The process of human society was divided into three stages in the book a history of politics written by Edward Jenks and translated by Yan Fu: totemistic society, patriarchal society and military or modern political society ( also country society). 严复译英人甄克思《政治史》,划分人类社会为图腾社会、宗法社会、军国社会(亦称国家社会)三种主要形式。严复称,中国社会自秦迄清为宗法居其七,而军国居其三;
As for the historical reasons for the decision, except for nationalist opposition against some imperialist elements in Jenks 'program, it is necessary to pay attention to the historical phenomenon of currency issue localization. 究其原因,除了反对精琪方案中所含的一些帝国主义成分的民族主义因素以外,货币发行地方化这一历史现象也值得重视。