The Orthodox and Jacobite churches have also condemned it. 正教会和雅各派教会也谴责草案。
In the nine months between his arrival and the slaughter at culloden, the Bonnie prince's Jacobite army had won some spectacular victories. 在快乐王子到达苏格兰和他的残部在卡洛登遭杀戮之间的9个月中,他的詹姆斯二世党人军队赢得过几次惊人的胜利。
Some who fought in the Bonnie prince's Jacobite army were Protestants from the north-east of Scotland who had no particular sympathy for the Catholic cause, nor for the highlands. 有些在快乐王子的詹姆斯二世党人的军队中作战的人是苏格兰东北部的新教徒,他们既不特别支持天主教事业,也不怎么同情苏格兰高地。