We specifically thought that Niklas and Janus, two of the preeminent technology entrepreneurs of our time, wanted Skype to be a huge success and would do everything in their power to make that happen. 特别是,我们当时相信,作为当代两位杰出的科技创业者,尼可拉斯和贾纳斯希望看到Skype大获成功,并会尽其所能实现这一点。
McGregor will play Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca, also known as Janus, the late pope's closest aide who initially helps Langdon in the investigation. 麦克格雷格将饰演教皇内侍,也被称为两面神,前任教皇最亲密的助手,主要帮助兰登进行调查。
The Romans named the first month of the year after Janus, the god of beginnings and the guardian of doors and entrances. 古罗马的人们把一年的第一个月命名为柬奈斯,又称他为“开始的神”、“护门神”和“使出神”。
At present there are2 species of pest damage to pear trees including Janus gussakovskii and J. 目前在天水市为害梨树的茎蜂虫种有古氏简脉茎蜂和梨简脉茎蜂2种。
The warnings are stuck on the same position of the glass, as if they are one piece of paper with two faces to two directions like Janus. 那两张告示贴在同一个位置,好像是同一张纸条,有两张脸,向着两个方向。
The Janus name and trademark is currently registered with the China Trademark Bureau. 贾纳斯名称和商标目前已在中国商标局注册。
Certain diskette dealers, also hoping to profit from fraudulent Janus products, substituted imitation diskettes for the authentic Janus brand, regardless of concern for their customers. 某些软盘经销商,也希望从中获利欺诈贾纳斯产品,用模仿的软盘取代正宗的贾纳斯品牌,也不论他们的客户的关注。
The Roman Janus is bifacial. 罗马坚纽斯门神是有两张脸的。
Janus was a strange god with two faces that could look in two directions. 宙斯是个奇特的神,他有两张脸能看两个方向。
Earlier this year, Janus international, the Denver-based investment group, rolled out a European Equity Fund, targeting institutional investors outside the US. 今年早些时候,总部位于丹佛的投资集团janusinternational推出了一只europeanequityfund,面向美国以外的机构投资者销售。
Their offenses included the display of a bogus Janus logo and the distribution of leaflets to Janus customers implying a Lifetime Warranty by the Brother's Fai Imports& Exports Company Limited. 他们的罪行包括显示了一个虚假的贾纳斯标志和以兄弟辉进出口有限公司为名义派发给贾纳斯客户终身保修的传单。
With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future. 因为两面神柬奈斯有两个脸,所以他可以看到过去的事,也可以看到将来的事。
Now the incentives to make Russia a Eurasian Janus that looks both ways are compelling. 如今,让俄罗斯成为欧亚“两面神”兼顾两大洲的吸引力是很大的。
Careful inspection will reveal Saturn's small moon Janus just below a ring shadow. 仔细检查还能发现土星的小卫星-土卫十,就位于光环阴影下方。
They hoped to deceive the public including Janus customers and thereby profit wrongfully from our reputation. 他们希望通过贾纳斯在公众中的声誉来欺骗客户,从而非法获利。
Resonance Rayleigh Scattering Method for Determination of Anionic Surfactant in Environmental Water with Janus Green B under Conditions Selected by Uniform Design 均匀设计优化共振瑞利散射法测定水中阴离子表面活性剂
Most of these services used Microsoft's WMA format and Microsoft's Janus DRM system. 大多数这些服务使用的是微软的WMA格式,以及微软的两面DRM系统。
In1987 certain merchants under the guise of various joint ventures between Chinese and foreign companies offered large quantities of fraudulent, inferior diskettes with the Janus brand name. 在1987年一些商户以中国的和外国公司之间的各种合资企业为名义提供大量以贾纳斯为品牌的劣质软盘进行欺诈。
Janus became the ancient symbol for resolutions and many Romans looked for forgiveness from their enemies and also exchanged gifts before the beginning of each year. 由此以来,两面神柬奈斯就成为了古代立志的一个象征,古罗马人为此立志饶恕自己的仇人,然后交换礼物也在每年初开始进行。
We ask all of our Janus customers to keep in mind this contemptible situation whenever purchasing Janus diskettes. 我们要求我们的所有贾纳斯客户在采购贾纳斯软盘时牢记这一种卑鄙的情况。
I want you to set me up* With janus. 我要你安排我和亚努见面。
I neglected to check an appropriate box in Janus and it kept casting the chart for his birthplace. 由于我忽视了在软件中选择恰当的地点转置,所以它还是按出生地做出了返照盘。
Accumulating evidence indicates that many cytokines promote the development of asthma through the activation of the Janus kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription ( JAK/ STAT) signaling pathway. 而越来越多的证据表明参与哮喘发病的多种细胞因子是通过活化Janus激酶/信号转导子和转录激活因子(JAK/STAT)途径转导信号,从而促进哮喘的发生发展的。
Janus activities of three groups were in dose-dependent relationship with insulin. 正常人、糖尿病患者、肥胖症患者3组红细胞膜受体蛋白酪氨酸激酶活性均呈胰岛素剂量依赖关系。
High sensitivity and high selectivity indicator reaction of NITRITE-THE system of Janus Green-Potassium bromate 亚硝酸根的高选择性和高灵敏度指示反应&健那绿-溴酸钾体系
Study on Distribution Pattern and Sampling Technique of Eggs of Janus Piri 梨茎蜂卵空间分布型及抽样技术研究
Studies leading to the binding of Janus Green B ( JGB) with Xanthan were presented here. 研究了黄原胶和键那绿B(JGB)结合的共振散射光谱。
Therefore, this star-like block copoly-mer can be taken as a representative of soft and deformable Janus particles. 因此,这种星型嵌段共聚物可以被看作是一种软的并且可变形的两面神粒子。
Under the impulse of dual factors of theoretical research and application demand, novel polymer microspheres, which have special chemical composition and morphology, are springing up. Among them, Janus ( anisotropic) and porous microspheres are the most attractive ones. 在理论研究和应用需求的双重推动下,一些具有特殊化学组成与结构形貌的新型聚合物微球不断涌现,其中最引人注目的是Janus(又称各向异性微球)微球和多孔微球。