At CIO, I think Jeanette Horan at IBM ( IBM). 至于首席信息官(CIO),我倾向于IBM公司的珍妮特•霍兰。
Jeanette rarely misses a football game. 珍妮特难得错过一场足球赛。
Jeanette, married in 1973. 珍妮特,在1973年结婚。
Example: When Francois gave Jeanette a handwritten poem, she knew he was falling for her. 例:当Francois给了Jeanette一首手写诗时,她知道他爱上她了。
He then met second wife Jeanette and they wed in 1973, but it only lasted one year and Mr Sheppard has since described the marriage as a 'business transaction' which enabled them to receive a bigger house from the council. 接着与他的第二任妻子珍妮特在1973年结婚,但婚姻只持续了一年,谢泼德先生把这次的婚姻说成是一个商业交易,他们为了从委员会提供的大房子才结婚的。
I thought scooter was sleeping with jeanette. 我想斯科特和珍娜特在一起睡吧。
What is clear is that those women who do an MBA almost invariably think the experience is fantastic, says Jeanette Purcell, chief executive of the association of MBAs in London. 伦敦的mba协会(associationofmbas)总裁詹尼特珀塞尔(jeanettepurcell)表示,显然,那些攻读mba的女性几乎全都认为这种经历非常美好。
Twins such as Jeanette Meadows and her sister Geneva Petitt attended the event, giving them a chance to mingle with others who were born into the same situation, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported. 据《克利夫兰实话报》报道,孪生姐妹珍妮特·梅多斯和日内瓦·佩提特也参加了此次盛会,她们可以借此机会和别的双胞胎们交交朋友。
Green Party co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons said there was a risk that transplanting animal cells into people could transmit viruses in the same way that influenza originally spread from animals. 绿党的领导人之一珍妮特·菲茨西蒙斯说,将动物的细胞移植到人体内有将动物体内的病毒传播给人的风险,就如当年将流感从动物传播给人一样。
Yeah, come on in, jeanette, let's see how stacked you are. 好的,进来,珍娜特,我们来看看你的胸部有多丰满。
Glen: Yes, Jeanette's a good goalie. Will she be at your hockey camp this summer? 格伦:对,珍妮特是个守门高手。今年的冰球夏令营她去吗?
Jeanette Winterson wrote two or three good books in the 1980s but since then her ego grew and her ability to write readable books shrunk. 珍妮特•温特森(JeanetteWinterson)上世纪80年代写过两三本好书,但此后,她的自我膨胀起来,写出可读书籍的能力却萎缩了。
Jeanette, was unemployed with three children to support. 珍妮特没有工作,却有三个孩子要抚养。
Jeanette Winterson is one of the "most controversial yet innovative" writers in contemporary British literature. 珍妮特·温特森被誉为英国当代一位富有争议又创新的作家。
Jeanette Winterson has been widely acknowledged as one of the most talented and prolific living writers in Britain. 简妮特·温特森被公认为是当今英国最为才华横溢且作品丰富的作家之一。
In this part, this thesis indicates that the postmodern narrative strategies used by Jeanette Winterson in her two novels, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit and Sexing the Cherry help the writer intensify her narrative power. 在结论部分,本论文指出,珍妮特·温特森在《橘子不是唯一水果》和《给樱桃以性别》这两部小说中所运用的后现代叙事技巧有助于加强小说的叙述力量。