There could be no better way to strengthen the unity of world Jewry. 没有比这更好的办法来加强全世界犹太人的团结了。
And the king spake and said unto Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, which art of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Jewry? 王问但以理说,你是被掳之犹大人中的但以理吗。就是我父王从犹大掳来的吗。
But European Jewry is a patchwork quilt, where the bond with Israel depends greatly on local conditions. 但欧洲犹太人犹如拼接的棉被一般,他们同以色列的结合非常依赖当地情况。
By the imprint of a finger-nail on a piece of parchment, it recognizes the difference which separates the Jewry of the Judengasse from the Jewry of the Ghetto. 凭借羊皮纸上的一个指甲印,它可以认出犹大本土的犹太族和移居的犹太族之间的区别。
He was even more unsure about Oriental Jewry, despite their "great love for Zion". 他更不确定的是东方犹太人,尽管他们也热爱锡安。
And they were the more fierce, saying, He stirreth up the people, teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place. 他们却越极力地说∶「他鼓励民众,沿全犹太教训人,从加利利起,直到这里了。」
Christianity was born on the heyday of the Roman Empire. At the stage of establishment, Christianity was the ethnic religion of Jewry, which was for the oppressed people. 基督教产生于罗马帝国的全盛时代,初始是犹太人的民族宗教,是被压迫者的宗教。
The meaning is clear and the Jewry of the world, in the trenches of Europe, in the pogrom-swept area of Russia, saw it like that. 宣言的意义很明白,世界的犹太人、欧洲战壕里、俄罗斯的被迫害的犹太人都是如此理解它。
The conclusion points out that the problems of jewry in Soviet has not been worked out. 结语指出,苏联犹太人问题直至国家解体还是没有得到解决。
The triumph in1967 gave them reason to believe again. "For Jewry to be envied: that is a change indeed," concluded The Economist's dispatch from Jerusalem that week ( see article). “犹太民族已变得让人羡慕:而事实上,这只是一个转折,”那个星期的《经济学人》在刊发来自耶路撒冷的急件中做出了这样一个结论。
The prevailing political sentiment in Jewry today is of aggressive defensiveness, a curious amalgam of victimhood and intolerance. 今天在犹太社区内占主导位置的政治心态是一种好斗的自卫心态,这是一种被迫害心态和偏见的奇怪混合物。
Perhaps it is inevitable, too, that it is winning the soul of diaspora Jewry. 而这种思潮开始逐渐赢得犹太侨民的心也许同样是一种不可避免的趋势。
A period of great scholarly accomplishment followed, and leadership of world Jewry passed to the Babylonian schools. 一个时期的重大学术成果之后,和领导的世界犹太人交给巴比伦学校。
Contrast Israel's gravitational pull on French and British Jewry with its relationship to Germany and Russia. 与以色列对法国和英国犹太人的吸引力形成对照的是其同德国和俄国的关系。
Student struggle for Soviet jewry; 学生拯救苏联犹太人组织;
It has caused huge controversy among American Jewry. 这一评论在美国犹太人中引起了巨大的争议。
At last, it refers to the relation between the differences of jewry in different regions and the choice for the emigration direction. 最后考察了苏联不同地区犹太人民族认同感的强度差异与移民方向选择上的关系。
They are the people whom we have to thank for all this: international Jewry and its helpers. 他们就是造成这一切后果的人:国际犹太人集团和帮助他们的人。
Jewry has been a nation always paying respect to knowledge and education. 犹太民族自古以来就是一个尊重知识、注重教育的民族;
In response to these policies, new trends appeared in Russian Jewry. 针对这些政策,新的趋势出现在俄罗斯犹太人。
The motivation of Soviet jewry living before 20 century 70s is firstly reviewed. 首先考察了20世纪70年代初期及以前的苏联犹太人移民动机。
I believe the main cause which has produced the particular state of Jewry in the world is its attachment to Palestine. Philip could not get the unhappy event out of his head. 我认为世界犹太人这种心态主要成因是对巴勒斯坦的不能忘情。菲利浦不能忘却那些不愉快的事情。
Analysis on the Educational Characteristics of Jewry 犹太民族的教育特性分析
The first chapter analyses the history generalization of jewry in Soviet and the forming of this issue. 第一章分析了俄苏犹太人的历史概括以及犹太移民问题的形成。
The second chapter reviews the motivation of jewry emigration. 第二章考察了苏联犹太人移民的动机。
The satisfactory settlement of the issue calls for facing up to the complicated and turbulent political history in Jerusalem, respecting special religious and cultural feelings of the Jerusalem people, and giving attentions to real interests of the Arabs and Jewry as well. 要想圆满地解决此问题,既要正视耶路撒冷复杂和动荡的政治历史,还应尊重耶路撒冷人特殊的宗教文化情感,更要兼顾阿拉伯和犹太两个民族的现实利益。
The cause of Soviet-Jewish Emigration has its historical origins: The Soviet Governmental policy on jewry and the long-term anti-jewry movements was its realistic foundation, and the long time difficult living situation of Soviet-jewry was its psychological reason. 苏联犹太移民问题的产生有着深刻的历史根源,苏联政府对犹民族政策和长期的反犹运动是其现实基础,长期以来苏联犹太人的艰难生活处境是导致苏联犹太移民问题形成的心理动因。
Impelled by his complex of suffering disturbance for the Jewry, he tries every possible way and almost always ends in failure. 受民族忧煎情结的驱动,他尝试了每一种可能的途径却每每以失败告终。
The Jewry is a special nation which wandering around all over the world because the Jewish people lost their own homeland and country thousands years ago in the history. 犹太民族是一个特殊的民族,几千年前犹太人失去了自己的故土,分散到世界各地生存。
With five thousand years history, Jewry is one of the greatest nations in the world, whose development is full of roughness and tortuousness. 犹太民族是一个拥有五千余年悠久历史的伟大民族,其发展历程饱经坎坷与曲折。