To learn more about automating deployment and the growing DevOps movement, have a look at the excellent book on continuous delivery by Jez Humble and David Farley in Resources. 若想了解有关自动化部署和不断增加的DevOps移动的更多信息,请参阅参考资料中由JezHumble和DavidFarley合著的有关连续交付的优秀书籍。
After the robbery, Cath and Jez hightailed it out of town. 在抢劫之后,凯丝和杰兹迅速离开了小镇。
Jez chance, marketing communications manager, says the company has moved away from a "friends and family" approach. 阿斯利康的市场公关经理耶斯钱斯(jezchance)表示,该公司已经摒弃了“朋友和家人”的招聘方式。