With interest rates as high as they are, and principal payments indexed to inflation, Jon Jonsson, an Icelandic international banker, says the solvency of even the new banks remains in doubt. 利率如此之高,而本金的偿还又计入通胀指数,强?强森,一位冰岛的国际银行家,说即使那些新银行的清偿力也存在着问题。
Jonsson congenial to court to try to get away but later wrote Norma drama. 但琼森后来为了投合宫廷所好而去写假面剧。
This arrangement would be gradually wound down as part of a transition agreement with GM, Mr Jonsson said. 作为与通用汽车的过渡协议内容之一,上汽目前的萨博销售协议将逐渐废止,琼森说。