Oscar-winning actress Juliette Binoche and internationally acclaimed contemporary dancer and choreographer Akram Khan have joined forces to create a major new work of dance theatre. 奥斯卡影后朱丽叶·比诺什和国际知名现代舞大师及编舞阿库·汉姆联袂创作了一部舞蹈剧力作。
Throughout their careers, Juliette Binoche and Akram Khan have both sought out surprising and challenging collaborations. 纵观二人的职业生涯,朱丽叶·比诺什和阿库·汉姆都进行过很多令人惊喜充满挑战的合作。
The2009 activity program, including the participation of stars like Juliette Binoche and Isabelle Huppert, various important exhibitions and theme week activities, indicates a hopeful spring. 包括朱丽叶?比诺什和伊莎贝尔?于佩尔等明星的来访,各种重要展览以及主题周活动的2009年活动计划再次预示着一个让人充满期待的春天。
This modernization of Shakespear's tragic love story Romeo and Juliette is set in Los Angeles against a backdrop of inter-racial romance. 这是一部现代版的莎士比亚悲剧爱情故事,罗密欧与朱丽叶在现代的洛杉矶重新上演,探讨了不同肤色人种之间的爱情这一社会问题。
Romeo decides to elope with Juliette one night. 有天晚上罗米欧决定暸要和茱丽叶私奔。
Juliette Nagy mentioned your company has opened a division of sporting goods and suggested I contact you. 朱莉艾特·娜吉提到贵公司开了一个体育商品部,建议我跟您联系。