Annoying script kiddies and real, honest-to-goodness crackers that attack our systems: Security matters! 会有恼人的脚本小子(scriptkiddy)和真正的限免高手攻击我们的系统:安全是多么重要啊!
The attacks that script kiddies launch look on the surface like those more organized groups or even the criminal element employ. 脚本kiddy启动的攻击表面看起来像是有组织的团体或犯罪组织。
In some cases, script kiddies are themselves pawns of organized crime or other organizations that might be looking to make financial gains or perform terrorist acts. 在某些情况下,脚本kiddy本身就是有组织的犯罪组织的成员,或其他企图获得金钱收益或进行恐怖活动的组织的成员。
Additionally, script kiddies tend to select their targets based on ease of access and without regard to a system's relative importance or even whether that system is prone to crashing or other instability as a result of the attack. 此外,脚本kiddy通常根据访问的难易程度来选择目标,而不考虑系统的相对重要性,甚至不考虑系统是否易于遭到破坏或攻击导致的其他不稳定性。
Attackers: Script kiddies and organized crime rings 攻击者:脚本kiddy和有组织的犯罪
Script kiddies typically don't have the knowledge of those higher in the hacker community have, but that doesn't mean they can't be dangerous. 脚本kiddy通常在黑客社区中并不具备较高的知识水平,但这并不意味他们不危险。
In the case of script kiddies, it's typically done through some automated tool. 脚本kiddy通常使用一些自动化工具来完成该步骤。
When script kiddies launch an attack, they typically do so without realizing the results of their actions, such as potentially crashing systems or inadvertently performing a denial of service ( DoS). 当脚本kiddy启动一个攻击,他们通常不了解这种行为的后果,如潜在地破坏系统或无意识地执行拒绝服务攻击(DoS)。
However, in most cases, script kiddies neglect to perform this step. 但是在大多数情况下,脚本kiddy不执行该步骤。
Although simple measures cannot stop determined hackers, at least you can be better defended against "script kiddies", whose scripts usually aren't that thorough. 尽管简单的措施无法阻止下定决心的黑客,但是至少能够挡住那些脚本小子,他们的脚本往往水平很一般。
But it was hard, training without a partner and with a wife and two kiddies that must be fed. 可是别指望这能奏效,他既没有伙伴陪练,又要养活老婆和两个孩子。
An online magazine at New York's Stony Brook University, Think, reported that initial posts around midnight indicated the Fox News Twitter account had been hacked by a group called the Script Kiddies. 纽约州立石溪大学在线杂志T在午夜左右发表了第一份新闻,新闻指出福布斯微博账户是被一个被称作脚本小子的组织入侵。
Think staffer, Adam Peck, wrote on the magazine's website that he had exchanged electronic messages with a person claiming to be with the Script Kiddies shortly after the initial hacking. 一位T的员工AP在网站写道,他已和某位自称在第一次入侵福布斯账户后就马上就和SK组织在一起的人交换了电子信息。
In addition, a denial-of-service attack can be launched on a wider scale than attacks performed by script kiddies, making them more difficult to investigate. 此外,拒绝服务攻击可以比脚本小子攻击的范围更广,调查弄清他们的身份也更难。
The bench seat does however feature a reclining backrest for those times when the kiddies or grandparents want a snooze. 在座椅不但是具有斜倚靠背为那些时候小子或祖父母想打盹。
It is all here: fur hats, key changes, deer running and cute kiddies peering into pipes. 它具备了所有的元素:皮帽子、音调的变化、奔跑的鹿,以及可爱的孩子们朝管道里张望。
That would have been a knockout, and he could have carried the thirty quid home to the missus and the kiddies. 这一拳打得还不够准,如果这一拳正打在了他的下巴尖上的话,肯定能把他打昏过去,那样汤姆·金就可以带着三十磅钱回家同老婆孩子在一起了。