Koons has engrossed himself in a world of commercialism that most modern artists disdain. 昆斯投身于商界,那是一个大部分现代艺术家所不齿的圈子。
The Whitney Museum of American Art, at its Jeff Koons retrospective last year, passed out cards proclaiming, in capital letters, Koons Is Great for Selfies! and urged visitors to post their work on Instagram. 去年惠特尼美国艺术博物馆在自己的杰夫·昆斯(JeffKoons)回顾展上分发卡片,上面用大写字母写道:昆斯的作品很适合自拍!鼓励游客把自拍照发到Instagram上。
Or if, as in the case of Mr. Koons, they do not know the man, they know the iconic things he has done, said Daniel Kulle, the president for North American operations at HM. People are more well informed than they used to be. 或者,如HM的北美运营总监丹尼尔·库勒(DanielKulle)所说,昆斯的情况是,他们不知道这个人,但他们知道他设计的标志性作品,人们对他的了解比以前更多了。
In addition to examples of Warhol and Bacon both top sellers at auction last month Mr. Koons, whose sculptures had adorned the covers of both Sotheby's and Christie's contemporary art auction catalogs, was ubiquitous. 除了沃霍尔与培根(两人都是上个月在拍卖中拍出顶尖高价的艺术家),库恩斯的作品也无所不在,他的雕塑曾经用于苏富比与佳士得当代艺术拍卖目录的封面。
I want my work to be accessible to people, said Mr. Koons, dapper in his navy blue HM suit. 我想让人们看到我的作品,昆斯说。他身穿深蓝色的HM西服,看起来神采奕奕。
The most famous tells of Jonathan Koons, a poor farmer who was instructed by ghosts to build a "spirit room" in which apparitions would then manifest and communicate with him from beyond the grave. 有个最著名传说讲一个贫穷农夫乔纳森·坤斯,受到鬼魂的指使修建了一个‘灵室’,在这里鬼魂会从地底下显灵并与他交流。
Her family has also spent heavily on works by Mark Rothko, Richard Serra, Roy Lichtenstein, Francis Bacon, Andy Warhol and Jeff Koons. 她的家人同时还重金购买了马克·罗斯科、理查德·塞拉、李奇登斯坦、弗朗西斯培根、安迪·沃霍尔和杰夫·昆斯等名家的画作。
Prominently displayed in his booth is a shiny blue stainless-steel sculpture of a dolphin by Jeff Koons, whose retrospective is opening this month at the Whitney Museum of American Art. 他的摊位上最醒目地展示出一尊闪亮的蓝色不锈钢海豚雕塑,是杰夫·库恩斯(JeffKoons)的作品,他的回顾展本月将在惠特尼美国艺术馆展出。
Jeff Koons will provide a studio visit to the highest bidder and Annie Leibovitz has donated signed copies of her book. (艺术家)杰夫·昆斯将邀请中标者去他的工作室参观;(摄影师)安妮·莱柏维兹则捐出了自己的签名书。
We were inspired by Jeff Koons's collages, Brooke said, referring to the artist's recent paintings of scantily clad models floating among flat, magazine-like images. 我们的灵感来自杰夫·昆斯(JeffKoons)的瓶贴艺术,布鲁克说,他指的是该艺术家近期的油画作品特色:衣着暴露的模特漂浮在扁平的杂志状图像中。
Well* This here is captain koons. 这是坤恩上尉。
The series was originally conceived as a way for Mr Koons to communicate with his estranged son after he and his Italian wife were divorced. 与意大利前妻离婚后,昆斯和儿子的关系疏远,于是,最初的设想是便将这一系列作品视为父子间的沟通方式。
More than half the buyers were American, leading to a strong show of support for us-favoured artists such as Richard Prince and Koons. 超过半数的买家来自美国,使得美国人喜欢的艺术家大受追捧,例如理查德普林斯(richardprince)和昆斯。
A Koons piece is always partly about the exquisite appearance of the final product. 昆斯作品的每一个组成部分,总是为最终成品的美观服务的。
This was substantially more than any other living artist, including Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst or the Chinese favourite, Zeng Fanzhi. 这显著地高于其他在世的艺术家,包括JeffKoons,DamienHirst,还有中国著名艺术家曾梵志。
Geoff Koons is a contemporary artist in commercially very successful model. 杰夫·坤斯是当代艺术家中在商业上非常成功的典范。