A Tentative Study of the Paddy-Cultivation Myths of the Baiyue Ethnic Groups& Focused on the Zhuang People; A Preliminary Comment on the Relationship among Kam-Tai Family, Baiyue and Austronesian Family 百越族系稻作神话初探&以壮族为中心侗台语民族、百越及南岛语民族关系刍论
A Contrastive Study of the Predicate-complement Structure in the Kam-Tai Languages and Chinese Language: a Typological Study 壮侗语与汉语述补结构的对比分析及其类型学特征
The difference between Chinese and Kam-Tai languages in comparative sentence depends on whether or not the language is a typical SVO one. 汉语、壮侗语在类比句上的差异是由SVO型特征是否典型而形成的。
It is one of the languages in the Ge-Yang branch which has just been confirmed as belonging to Kam-Tai family recently. 仡佬语所属的仡央语支是壮侗语族语言里最晚被确定的一支,仡央语支和壮侗语族的其他三个语支差别较大,仡央语支内部差别也很大。
On the Correspondence of the Tones of Ancient Chinese Loanwords in Kam-Tai Languages 论壮傣侗水语古汉语借词的调类对应&兼论侗台语汉语的接触及其语源关系
Core words in Miao-Yao have their etymological cognate relationship with those in other Sino-Tibetan languages, especially with Kam-Tai. 苗瑶语的核心词与汉藏语其他语族的有词源关系,较为突出的是与侗台语的核心词有词源关系。
It has rich lexical information, detailed and accurate describing, has the very high value of language, also is considered a pioneer of the Kam-Tai languages. 词汇资料丰富,描写详细、准确,具有很高的语料价值,被认为是侗台语言学的开山之作。