Kamara and Lauter propose a virtual private storage service which would satisfy the following requirements Kamara和Lauter提出了一种虚拟的私有存储服务,它会满足以下需求
The school now boasts of several graduates, including one young woman who is a seamstress in Freetown, according to Kamara. 目前,学校已送走了几名毕业生,其中包括在弗里敦做裁缝的一名姑娘。
"I do two subjects by day, morning Math and in the afternoon English," said teacher Abubakar Kamara. “我每天教两门课,上午教数学,下午教英语,”AbubakarKamara老师说。
Birmingham will bid for preston's David Nugent after missing out on mark Viduka and diomansy kamara. 在维杜卡与卡马拉的转会战落败后,英超升班马伯明翰将会在近期对普雷斯顿前锋纽金特进行报价。