Ever since, he has snacked on walls and streets of Karnataka, India-and claims to suffer no ill effects. 他住在印度卡纳塔克邦。自从那时,他就在啃食墙面和街道上的砖土,并称自己的身体没有不良反应。
A special pavilion dedicated to education, training and research, this is an endeavor by the Govt. of Karnataka which will showcase products, services and developments from leading training providers and research institutes. 这个展台用于教育,培训和研究机构,届时将展出培训机构和研究机构的产品和服务。
In September 1994 Mr Hande asked a wealthy betel nut farmer in the southern state of Karnataka for permission to install the lights in his house. 1994年9月,韩德先生请求南部卡纳塔克邦一位富有的槟榔种植者允许给他家安装电灯。
The board has also decided to introduce electronic auction at all the31 platforms 20 in Andhra Pradesh and11 in Karnataka from the next auction season to ensure better price for farmers. 印度烟草委员会还决定,为确保烟农获得更好的价格,从下个拍卖季节开始,在全部31个平台推行电子拍卖&这31个平台中,20个在安德拉邦,11个在卡纳塔克邦。
Farmers are demanding Rs110 a kg or so, enthused by the high prices paid in Karnataka. 受到卡纳塔克邦高价销售价格的鼓舞,烟农们要求每公斤支付110卢比左右的价格。
Iqbal Ansari, Karnataka's labour minister who spearheaded the drive to revive the law, said: Our intention is to give more security and safety to the working woman. 推动恢复该法律的卡纳塔克邦政府劳动部长伊克巴勒•安萨里(IqbalAnsari)表示:我们的目的是给予上班女性更多的安全保障。
The project works in12 villages in India's rural Karnataka and Tamil Nadu states. 这个项目在印度农业地区卡纳塔克邦和泰米尔纳德邦的12个村庄进行。
The affected states are Andhra Pradesh, Andaman& Nicobar Islands, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala and Delhi. 受影响的邦为安德拉邦、安达曼和尼科巴群岛、泰米尔纳德、卡纳塔克、马哈拉施特拉邦、古吉拉特邦、中央邦、喀拉拉邦和德里邦。
The average tobacco price in Karnataka has come down to Rs93 per kg now from Rs110 per kg a year ago. 卡纳塔克邦的烟草平均价格从去年每公斤110卢比,下降至每公斤93卢比。
The festival is celebrated widely in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. 印度的许多地方都会庆祝这个节日,例如泰米尔纳德邦,安得拉邦和卡纳塔克邦。
Ullas Karanth, director of Center for Wildlife Studies and a pioneer in India in using camera traps to monitor tigers in the southwest state of Karnataka. 卡伦斯是野生动物研究中心主任,并且是一位用相机触发器监视卡纳塔克邦西南部老虎的先驱。