Recently, I spoke at a conference in Kathmandu, Nepal about the importance of business involvement in helping local economies grow, create jobs and fight poverty. 最近,在尼泊尔加德满都的一次会议上,我谈到了企业在帮助当地经济发展、创造就业和消除贫困中的重要性。
India's ambassador in Kathmandu says his government will accept the mandate given by Nepal's people. 印度驻加德满都大使说,印度政府将接受尼泊尔人民的选举结果。
In1482, the kingdom was carved into three: Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhadgaon. 1482年,国家分为三个部分:加德满都、帕坦、和巴德冈(Bhadgaon)。
Kathmandu, August 12, 2011 加德满都,2011年8月12日
We started with sites on the Unesco World Cultural Heritage list, but we are expecting more sites to be recreated, not only those in Kathmandu, but other damaged buildings in Nepal, Mr. Kuo said. 我们是从列入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录的古迹开始的,我们预计会重建更多的景点,不仅是加德满都的那些,而且也包括尼泊尔其他的受损建筑物,郭怡广说。
Kumar's group on April 12 updated a late 1990s report summarizing the Kathmandu Valley risks. 库马尔小组在4月12日更新了一篇20世纪90年代晚期的报告,总结了加德满都河谷的地质灾害风险。
You can easily occupy yourself for more than a week checking out the temples in the Kathmandu area. 光是参观加德满都的庙宇就可以花上你一整个星期的时间。
The construction is appalling in Kathmandu, Jackson said. 杰克逊说:加德满都的建筑令人胆战心惊。
Kathmandu and Timbuktu, both cities most people have heard of but know nothing about. 很多人都听说过加德满都和廷巴克图,但却对这两个城市一无所知。
The structure marks the location of one of the ancient trading routes between Lhasa and Kathmandu. 佛塔标志了拉萨和加德满都最古老的贸易路线之一的所在。
Traffic in Kathmandu, hotels and bars to evacuate customers. 加德满都的交通瘫痪,酒店和酒吧疏散顾客。
Kathmandu, the capital of nepal, is one of the most enchanted olaces in the world. 尼泊尔首都加德满都是世界上最迷人的地方之一。
We will lead the rebellion from here in Kathmandu. 我们将在加德满都这里领导起义。
Only a few brave cyclists have dared to ride along its inhospitable plateau and forge a passage through these mystic lands into kathmandu. 只有少部分勇敢的骑行者挑战沿着荒凉高原和稳定前进的通道通过这些神秘的陆地进入加德满都。
Pade Gang, Kathmandu, Patan and prosperity in this period to be prosperous. 帕德冈、帕坦和加德满都在这个繁荣时期很兴旺。
Kathmandu understanding: investing in children in South asia; 加德满都谅解:投资南亚儿童;
Pradeep Mool, scientist at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development ( ICIMOD) in Nepal's capital Kathmandu, agrees. 位于尼泊尔首都加德满都的国际山地综合发展中心(ICIMOD)的科学家PradeepMool对此表示同意。
Kathmandu's Durbar Square, a Hindu temple sits silently amongst ancient historical monuments of old. 加德满都的杜巴广场,囊括了几百年历史的古迹建筑,这就是其中一座印度教寺庙。
Some children leave their village in search of jobs in the cities like Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Pokhara etc. 一些孩子离开自己的家乡来到像加德满都、勒利德布尔这样的城市来寻找工作。
The Chinese army chief offered a range of military aid, and got Kathmandu to work out a program of regular exchanges under the China-Nepal Comprehensive Partnership of Cooperation. 中国总参谋长向尼泊尔提供了一系列的军事援助,加德满都则启动了全方位伙伴合作关系框架下双方的定期交流项目。
We flew from Bangkok to Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. 于是,我们从曼谷飞到了尼泊尔的首都加德满都。
For the past week they have endured torrential rain and outbreaks of diarrhoea to bring the capital, Kathmandu, and the rest of the country, to a halt. 在过去的一周,在首都加德满都和该国其他地区持续一周的暴雨袭击以及群体性腹泻事件刚刚停止。
The training will also cover risk assessment case studies in the participants'countries: Beijing, Kathmandu, Pampanga River Basin in the Philippines, Colombo and Hanoi. 培训还将涉及成员国的风险评估案例研究,这包括来自北京、加德满都、菲律宾Pampanga河流域、科伦坡与河内的案例。
It had no alternative-the government in Kathmandu had virtually no presence in the countryside beyond tax-collection. 他们别无选择,实际上,加德满都的政府除了收税之外从不在乡村出现。
For example, Tsho Rolpa, Nepal's biggest glacial lake in the Rolwaling Valley near Kathmandu, needs to be drained by17 metres to prevent a lake burst. 例如,尼泊尔最大的冰川湖TshoRolpa湖位于加德满都附近的Rolwaling山谷,它需要被抽去17米的水才能防止湖泊爆裂。
Prior to joining unicef, he had served as a medical doctor in hospitals in Paris and in the late1970s with the French Ministry of foreign affairs in kathmandu, nepal. 到儿童基金会之前,他曾作为医生在巴黎的医院供职,并在20世纪70年代后期在尼泊尔加德满都为法国外交部服务。
Unlike the many other Kumaris in Nepal, the Kathmandu goddess makes only rare public appearances. 像许多其他库马里斯在尼泊尔的加德满都只有女神难得公开露面。
Less aggressive than Gucci's in its styling, the show was inspired by McQueen's voyage across India, from tropical Cochin backwaters to Udaipur and Kathmandu. 麦奎因的时装秀在式样上不像古姿那么咄咄逼人,其灵感来自他穿越印度的旅行,他从科钦的热带死水水域,一直走到了乌代浦和加德满都。
Kathmandu Resolution on Women and Family Health 加德满都妇女和家庭保健决议