The gentleman, despite his advanced years, helped Kathryn back to her seat. 这位绅士,尽管年事已高,仍然帮着凯瑟琳回到座位上。
Kathryn blinked and forced a smile 凯瑟琳眨了眨眼睛,挤出一丝微笑。
For a while Kathryn busied herself in the kitchen. 凯瑟琳在厨房忙活了一会儿。
Kathryn's quiet voice stilled the clamour 凯瑟琳平静的声音使得嘈杂声平息了下来。
She had decided to confront Kathryn with what she had learnt 她决定拿自己了解的事实与凯瑟琳当面对证。
Kathryn knows to her cost the effect of having served a jail sentence 凯瑟琳吃了苦头才知道服过刑会给一个人带来什么影响。
Kathryn had seen him through a crack in the curtains. 凯瑟琳透过窗帘缝看见了他。
Kathryn looked down at the floor and the smile died on her lips. 凯瑟琳低头看向地板,笑容从她的嘴角消失了。
Both men were unwelcoming, making little attempt to put Kathryn or her companions at their ease. 两个男人都不是很热情,没有费什么心让凯瑟琳和她的同伴们消除拘束。
Kathryn pulled a face at Thomas behind his back. 凯瑟琳在托马斯身后冲他做了个鬼脸。
'Wait there!' Kathryn rose. 'No, on second thought, follow me.' “在那儿等着!”凯瑟琳站起身来,“不,我改主意了。跟我来。”
'Anything else?' Colum asked. Kathryn shook her head wearily “还有别的吗?”科拉姆问。凯瑟琳疲惫地摇了摇头。
Kathryn leaned against the wall of the church 凯瑟琳倚靠在教堂的墙上。
Accepting her award, Jessica Chastain called out director Kathryn Bigelow: I can't help but compare my character of Maya to you. 在接受了奖项之后,杰西卡查斯坦叫出了导演凯瑟琳毕格罗:我忍不住把我演的角色玛雅和你比较。
Kathryn spoke openly and passionately about her fight with lung cancer. 她坦然而积极的与肺癌抗争。
Jackson's parents, Kathryn and Joe, were in court yesterday, along with his siblings LaToya, Jermaine, Tito, Jackie and Randy. 杰克逊的父母凯瑟琳和乔,以及他的兄弟姐妹拉托亚,杰麦因,提托,杰基,兰迪等昨天也出席了审判。
Emmy-winning actress Kathryn Joosten died Friday ( June 1) from lung cancer. She was 72. 艾美奖得主凯瑟琳朱斯滕(KathrynJoosten)于美国时间2012年6月1日因肺癌去世,享年72岁。
More surprising were snubs in the directing category, where three favorites missed out: Ben Affleck for Argo and past Oscar winners Kathryn Bigelow for Zero Dark Thirty and Tom Hooper for Les Miserables. 更令人吃惊的是在导演类中有三部热片无缘:本•阿弗莱克的《雨果》和过去奥斯卡奖得主凯瑟琳•毕格罗的《刺杀本•拉登》和汤姆•霍伯《悲惨世界》。
And Dr Nicolai and Kathryn can gather their samples. 这样尼古拉博士和凯瑟琳就可以搜集标本。
Kathryn Cornelius, 44, grew up in the US and has an MBA in operations management. 凯瑟林科尼利厄斯(kathryncornelius),今年44岁,在美国长大并已获得项目管理mba学位。
Kathryn brought me these flowers. 凯瑟琳给我带来这些花。
He always briefly talks about his life, and eventually gets into the story of how he lost a loved one, Kathryn. 他总是通过简要的谈论自己的生活开始话题,并且话题总是会来到关于他心爱的人那一部分&他是如何失去了她,凯瑟琳。
His wife Kathryn and little daughter Millie went with him. 他的妻子凯瑟琳和小女儿咪莉跟他一起去。
Lisa: I caught the bouquet at Kathryn's wedding. It was fate. 莉莎:我在凯思莲的婚礼上接到捧花,这是命中注定的。
This is the Kathryn Yu apartment located in Cooper Square, New York. 这是凯瑟琳于公寓库珀广场,位于纽约。
As the dialog starts, Kathryn closes the brainstorming session and sums up the input that has been received. 对话开始时,凯瑟琳结束了之前的“集思广益”环节,并对大家提出的方案进行了总结。
I'm willing to wager that Kathryn's mother thought she had merely asked a question about a tomato. 我愿意打赌,凯思琳的母亲认为她只是问了一个关于西红柿的问题而已。
Kathryn was a beautiful woman, and no mistake. 凯瑟琳的确是个美女。