Miss Kaur said: 'My mum and dad didn` t want me to do it-they didn` t think I` d be able to have a normal life if I had a beard. 考尔说:我父母并不希望我这么做,他们觉得我留着胡须可能就没法过正常人的生活。
But Miss Kaur has now decided to stop cutting her hair after being baptised as a Sikh-a religion in which cutting body hair is forbidden. 但在哈娜·考尔受洗成为一名锡克教徒之后,决定不再修剪自己的毛发,因为在锡克教中是禁止修剪毛发的。
But at the age of 16, everything changed for Miss Kaur when she decided to be baptised as a Sikh. 但在哈娜考尔16岁时,她决定受洗加入锡克教。
Today Miss Kaur hopes her story will help other women find self-confidence. 如今哈娜考尔希望通过自己的故事能帮助其他女孩找回自信。
Kaur also wrote that bride shortages in China and India can lead to kidnap marriage, which includes deception and enticement and luring women for marriage into high sex ratio areas. Kaur还写道中国与印度的女性短缺会导致绑架婚姻,这包括了欺骗和诱惑与引诱女孩子嫁去高性别比例的地区。
"Where would this enhancement of troops come from? Arguably, it could come from the ranks of his'mercenaries ', many of whom are from Sub-Saharan Africa," Kaur said. 称,军队的增加从哪里来?可证明的是,其可能来自雇佣兵的行列,他们其中很多人来自撒哈拉以南的非洲。
Gurdev Kaur Sangha, who heads up the commission, said foregoing phone calls would help couples adapt to married life free from suspicion. 委员会的主任委员沙哈说,放弃讲手机可以帮助夫妻适应婚姻生活,不会彼此猜忌。