n. 肯辛顿(伦敦中心的时尚居住区,是肯辛顿区和切尔西区的一部分,包括肯辛顿宫、肯辛顿花园、维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆、自然历史博物馆和科学博物馆)
I would be able to stay on the Piccadilly Line and get off the tube at South Kensington. 我就可以留在皮卡迪利线上,然后在南肯辛顿站下地铁。
Two police officers arrested him and took him to Kensington police station. 两名警察逮捕了他并把他带到了肯辛顿警察分局。
I trailed her to a shop in Kensington. 我跟踪她来到肯辛顿的一家商店。
By the side of Hyde Park stands Kensington gardens. 肯星顿公园在海德公园旁边。
At first, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge welcomed Prince Harry to Kensington Palace. 一开始,剑桥公爵与公爵夫人很欢迎哈里王子搬进肯辛顿宫。
The Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to a baby boy, Kensington Palace has announced. 肯辛顿宫宣布,凯特王妃顺利产下一个男婴。
A Kensington Palace spokesman declined to comment on the photograph. 肯辛顿宫发言人拒绝对此事发表评论。
The couples usual address is described as Kensington Palace, London, and the duke signed the certificate simply William. 这对皇家夫妇的常住地址登记为伦敦肯辛顿宫,威廉王子只是简单地签上了威廉。
Kensington Palace revealed the baby's full name will be George Alexander Louis. 肯辛顿宫表示,孩子的全名是乔治亚历山大路易。
Kensington Palace revealed the royal baby's full name yesterday after days of speculation and close friends of Princess Diana immediately said the choice means the spirit of Prince Williams beloved mother lives on. 昨天,在多日的推测后,肯辛顿宫透露了这位皇室宝宝的全名,且戴安娜王妃的密友立刻说道,名字的选择意味着威廉王子挚爱的母亲精神永在。
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have named their daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, Kensington Palace has said. 肯辛顿宫宣布,剑桥公爵和公爵夫人已为女儿取名夏洛特·伊丽莎白·戴安娜。
Home: The baby will call Kensington Palace home. 宝宝新家:宝宝将会在肯辛顿宫安家落户。
Prince William stunned crowds at Kensington Palace tonight by jumping on stage with Taylor Swift and Jon Bon Jovi for an 'off-the-cuff' rendition of 'Livin' on a Prayer '. 肯辛顿宫,威廉王子在目瞪口呆的人群中跳上舞台和泰勒·斯威夫特、邦·乔维一起即兴表演邦乔维的经典曲目《Livin'onaPrayer》。
The expectant couple's office at Kensington Palace has refused to confirm the Duchess of Cambridge's exact due date, but the mom-to-be let slip during an appearance earlier this year that she's due in mid-July. 这对满心期待的夫妇在肯辛顿宫殿的办公室拒绝确认剑桥公爵夫人确切的生产日期,但这位准妈妈今年早些时候露面时无意中说漏了嘴,她在7月中旬生产。
Self-contained, fully serviced apartments in Kensington-close to park, shops, buses and subways. 肯辛顿市内设施和服务齐全的独立公寓,附近有公园、商店、公共汽车站和地铁。
They sat on various occasions beneath the great trees in Kensington Gardens. 他们多次憩息在肯辛顿花园的大树下。
The Natural History Museum, Science Museum and Victoria and Albert Museum are all situated in a small area in South Kensington. 自然历史博物馆、科学博物馆以及维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆都座落在南肯辛顿的一小块土地上。
He picked up a fare in oxford street and take him to kensington. 他在牛津街搭载了一位乘客并将其送到肯辛顿。
Victoria: Of all my life in Kensington, it's the only part I'll miss. 维多利亚:在肯辛顿宫生活的日子里,那是我唯一会想念的。
In fact, I read one at Kensington station just last week. 实际上我上周在金斯敦车站读了一首。
The mist had settled low on Kensington Gardens as Silas limped into a quiet hollow out of sight. 塞拉斯一瘸一拐地走进一个看不见的寂静空间里。这时薄雾已经在肯辛顿花园中弥漫开来。
William III took against the castle and built Kensington Palace instead. 威廉三世不喜欢这座城堡,而盖了肯辛顿宫。
They had a little flat off Kensington High street. 他们在肯辛顿大街旁边有一小套公寓房间。
He's staying in rooms in West Kensington. Any Idea where Harding's barracks are, Worthington? 他住在肯辛顿西区的寓所里.沃辛顿,知道哈定的兵营在哪边吗?
You will find many museums in South Kensington, these two are also there. 你会发现许多博物馆在南肯辛顿,这两个也有。
But Bailey admitted he was angry with kensington. 但是贝利承认他对肯星顿很气愤。
All the numbers of people leaving Kensington Park Gardens were called out on the radio. 离开肯辛顿公园的人的所有号码都是通过无线电传出去的。
Also on that list were New York's Fifth Avenue and London's Kensington Palace Gardens; 同时上榜的还有纽约第五大道和伦敦肯辛顿宫花园;
Rigby& Rigby develop bespoke homes, in some of the most sought-after locations in London-Belgravia, Knightsbridge, Kensington and Chelsea. 里格比和里格比开发定制的家园,在一些最抢手的伦敦地点-Belgravia区,骑士桥,肯辛顿和切尔西。