A Investigation on the Customary Law Civil in Xinjiang Kirgiz's Traditional Society 新疆柯尔克孜族传统社会民间习惯法调查
The Uygur, Kazak, Hui, Kirgiz, Mongolian, Tajik and Xibe ethnic minorities now all have their own professional theatrical troupes and have produced a galaxy of outstanding artists. 维吾尔、哈萨克、回、柯尔克孜、蒙古、塔吉克、锡伯等民族都有自己的专业文艺团体,涌现了一批杰出的民族艺术家。
An Investigation on the Relationship between Uygur and Kirgiz Secondary School Students 'Willingness to Communicate in Chinese and Their Chinese Anxiety 维吾尔族、柯尔克孜族初中生汉语交际意愿与汉语焦虑的关系研究
This article introduced the distribution of Chinese Kirgiz, the use situation of spoken and written language and the research and international interchange conditions on Kirgiz language in our nation. 摘要本文介绍了我国柯尔克孜族的分布、语言文字使用状况以及我国在柯尔克孜语文方面的研究和国际交流情况。
The translation into Chinese of the Manass, one of China's three great epics and an epic of the Kirgiz people in Xinjiang long known as a "national treasure," was nearly completed. 中国三大史诗之一、素有“国宝”之称的柯尔克孜族英雄史诗《玛纳斯》汉译基本完成。
The Study on the Uighur, Kazak, Kirgiz Font Style Standard 维吾尔文、哈萨克文、柯尔克孜文字体字形标准研究
Research in the Present Conditions of the Kirgiz Youngsters 'Sports Activities in Xinjiang 新疆柯尔克孜族青少年体育活动的现状研究
The Epic "Manasi" of the kirgiz Nationality of being Introduced to the World; 向世界介绍我国柯尔克孜族史诗《玛纳斯》
A Comparative Analysis of the Status of the Participation of Xinjiang Kazak and Kirgiz in Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports 新疆哈萨克族与柯尔克孜族居民参加少数民族传统体育活动现状比较分析
The Kirgiz of Afghanistan 阿富汗的柯尔克孜(吉尔吉斯)族
Design of the Uighur, Kazak, Kirgiz Multilingual Examination Register Information Acquire System 维、哈、柯多文种考试报名信息采集系统设计
Design and Implementation of Processing Platform for Uighur, Kazak, Kirgiz, Chinese and English 维、哈、柯、汉、英多文种处理平台的设计与实现
71 STR alleles and 191 genotypes in Kirgiz. 柯尔克孜族有71种STR等位基因,191种基因型。
The code and code convert method is of importance to the Uighur, Kazak and Kirgiz information acquire and application field. 论文提出的编码方案和转换方法,对基于阿拉伯字母的维、哈、柯文信息采集应用领域有一定的指导和参考意义。
The Shaman Culture'Effects On Kirgiz 萨满文化对柯尔克孜族人的影响
Comparative study on the vowel systems of Kazak and Kirgiz 哈萨克语与柯尔克孜语元音系统对比研究
This paper presents design of the Uighur, Kazak, Kirgiz OMR information acquire system and the Uighur Optical Mark Code for the examination register information acquiring. 论文叙述了基于阿拉伯字母的维吾尔文、哈萨克文、柯尔克孜文的OMR信息采集系统的设计方法。
This paper presents the result of a study of normal parameters of dermatoglyphics in Uygur Kazak and Kirgiz nationalities from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. 本文报告了新疆维吾尔族,哈萨克族,柯尔克孜族的肤纹参数正常值。
This thesis mainly describes Kirgiz Nationality's movement process in two stages divided by the seventeenth Century, it represents their whole movement scene again. 以十七世纪为界限,把其迁徙过程划分为前后两阶段进行论述,再现了柯尔克孜族民西迁的历史全景。
Twelve characters including hair beared on forehead were investigated among Uygur, Kazak, Kirgiz, and Tajik in Xinjiang province The gene frequencies of the twelve characters were calculated and compared among the four minorities 本文对新疆维吾尔、哈萨克、柯尔克孜、塔吉克族人群的前额发际等12对遗传性状进行了调查,计算出各个性状的基因频率、并在4个民族之间进行了比较研究
A character processing system for uighur, kazak, kirgiz, chinese and English 维、哈、柯、汉、英多种文字信息处理系统
The Diet Culture of Kirgiz 柯尔克孜族的饮食文化
The Body Art In the Wall-painting of Kirgiz 克孜尔壁画中的人体艺术
Nationality Relations and Problems in China's Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture 我国柯尔克孜族自治地方民族关系及问题
Kazak, the Mongols, Kirgiz, Tajik nationality nomadic people of Xinjiang change in accordance with the nature which go round and begin again four seasons and move to migrate over the years, chase the pasture and water in order to raise animals. 新疆的哈萨克族、蒙古族、柯尔克孜族、塔吉克族等游牧民族多少年来一直依大自然周而复始的四季变化而循环迁徙移动放牧,追逐水草以养牲畜。
In new times, Kirgiz people think that their national sports should develop on the base of protect-and-reserve way. 新时期,柯族居民对本民族传统体育为适应新环境提出了新要求,即要在保护与保留原始风貌的基础上发展。
Less from the point of view of language contact way, Uighur and Kirgiz language is in direct contact with the main contacts written way. 从语言接触的方式来看,维吾尔语和柯尔克孜语是以直接接触为主,书面语接触的方式较少。
Whether it is the impact Kirgiz language of Uighur or influence Uighur on Kirgiz language, which belongs to language contact phenomena, this paper provides basic information and make up for the relatives language ( Kyrgyz language and Uyghur) contacting research gaps. 无论是柯尔克孜语对维吾尔语的影响还是维吾尔语对柯尔克孜语的影响,这都属于语言接触现象,这篇论文提供了基本资料并弥补了亲属语言(柯尔克孜语与维吾尔语)接触研究方面的空白。
In the respondents, there are 60% ethnic Han, Uygur and Kirgiz are about 20% each. 被调查者中汉族占60%左右,维吾尔族和柯尔克孜族各占约20%左右。
From the analysis of language structure, language Kirghiz this zone only affects the local Uighur part of speech and vocabulary, and the use of lower frequency components of these languages, and is a special vocabulary Kirgiz language. 从语言结构来分析,这一带的柯尔克孜语只影响了当地维吾尔语的部分语音和词汇,而且这些语言成分使用频率较低,且是柯尔克孜语的特殊词汇。