A territory in northwestern canada; site of the Klondike gold rush in the1890s. 加拿大西北一地区;世纪年代克朗代克淘金热所在地。
This classic story tells of a dog stolen from his home and sold to work as a sled dog in Canada's Klondike Gold Rush. 这一经典故事讲述的是在加拿大的克朗代克淘金热时期,一只被偷走作为雪橇狗的经历。
After nearly ten years in the klondike, tiny returned, with a considerable fortune, to live in San francisco. 蒂妮在克朗代克住了将近10年回来了。她带回一笔巨额财产,在旧金山住下来。
Will the Party of No return the financial industry back to the unhinged Klondike that brought the country to the verge of Depression? 这个只会说不的政党,会让金融业重返疯狂淘金热,再度让国家濒临萧条吗?