"He nevertheless gave the police who were taking him to jail the bottle of wine as a gesture of thanks for the friendly treatment after the arrest," Koenig said. 科宁说,在被逮捕入狱后,他把这瓶酒给了逮捕他的警察,用以感谢被捕后受到的友好对待。
"He was trying to surprise her with the flowers and a bottle of wine but it all went wrong," said Korbach police spokesman Volker Koenig. 警方发言人沃克·科宁说,他只是想用鲜花和美酒给女朋友一个惊喜,结果事情全砸了。
Steve Koenig is with the Consumer Electronics Association. He says the group's latest research also shows that Americans this year are spending more on technology products. 就职于美国消费电子产品协会的斯蒂夫∙考内格称,该组织最新研究表明,本年度美国人在科技产品方面的消费有所增长。
"If you can't handle it anymore, you know, if you could learn anything from this, is that there are people out ther who really care," said Walter Koenig. 假如你再也无法应付的话,我是说如果你能从中领悟到什么,这才是局外人真正佩服的地方。
I met them on Koenig strasse. 我在皇帝大道接他们。
The elder Koenig was joined at the press conference by his wife. 老柯尼与妻子一起参加了新闻发布会。
Accordingly to Josh Koenig, who filled out the Brave GNU World questionnaire, the biggest weakness is currently the API, which isn't easily understood or well-documented. 根据JoshKoenig这个填来《勇敢GNU世界》标准问题的人,目前最大的弱点是在API,它们不太容易理解也没有很好地加以文档化。
Police and his family declined to comment on how Koenig took his life. 警方和家属均拒绝透露更多的细节。
The younger Koenig, who played Kirk Cameron's pal Boner on the hit'80s sitcom, had long battled depression, his family said. 安德鲁·柯尼在上世纪80年代的著名情景喜剧《成长的烦恼》中扮演柯克·卡梅隆的至友波纳。
"What that says to me is that Amazon created a very well-designed consumer device for purchasing and reading digital books, magazines and newspapers," says Mr Koenig. “这个结果显示,亚马逊创造了一款设计出众的消费电子产品,可以用于购买和阅读电子书、杂志和报纸,”凯尼格表示。
Koenig and colleagues reported last month in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease that among sickle cell patients, those who go to church at least once a week had the lowest pain scores. 事实并非如此,仅仅祈祷并不比同时服用些吗啡效果好。但在一期《神经与精神疾病》中报告,那些每星期至少做一次礼拜的人痛苦少些。
After making a success of Pangolin, Mr Kingdon and Ms Koenig decided to try to put something back into Uganda. 在穿山佳取得成功后,金夫妇决定试着把一些东西带回乌干达。
《 C Traps and Pitfalls 》, Andrew Koenig, Addison Wesley Publishing. 《C陷阱与缺陷》,高巍译,人民邮电出版社。
Facebook Twitter Yahoo Buzz E-mail The body of Growing Pains star Andrew Koenig was found in a Vancouver park Thursday, the victim of a suicide. 美剧《成长的烦恼》中“波纳”的扮演者安德鲁·柯尼在温哥华的一家公园里被发现自杀身亡。
"I went to the site," Walter Koenig said, adding that's when he discovered his son had committed suicide. 沃尔特·柯尼说,他过去后儿子已经被证实是自杀的。
Discussion on Koenig Theorem in Special Relativity 浅谈狭义相对论中的柯尼希定理
The article gives koenig theorem in special relativity on the basis of the centre of momentum defined 本文在定义了动心的基础上推导出狭义相对论中的柯尼希定理
The hardness ( Koenig hardness and microhardness), impact resistance and scratch resistance are mainly dependent on the condensation degree of polysiloxane coatings rather than on the organic component of the coatings. 涂膜的硬度(摆杆硬度和微硬度)、抗冲击性和耐刮伤性主要取决于聚硅氧烷的交联度,而受有机基团的影响较小。