If you really want to use Konqueror, for instance, it is probably most efficient to use KDE as your DE. 举例来说,如果真正希望使用Konqueror,则使用KDE作为DE可能最为有效。
This is because Konqueror makes heavy use of shared KDE libraries that are loaded into lots of applications, as I am using the KDE desktop. 这是因为Konqueror大量地使用了KDE共享库,使用KDE桌面时,这些库被加载到各种应用程序。
I also liked the Plastik theme SLAX chooses ( despite the slight resemblance to WinXP), and double-click behavior on the Desktop and in Konqueror feels more natural to me. 我也喜欢SLAX选择的Plastik主题(尽管与WinXP有些类似)和桌面上双击方式的行为,而且在Konqueror中我感觉更为自然。