And there are, of course, Koranic manuscripts with refined calligraphy. 当然,在这个画廊内还有用雅致的书法撰写的可兰经文本。
But that sentence will be doubled if his Koranic recitation classes fail to make him a "hafez", someone who knows the Koran by heart. 但如果他的《古兰经》背诵课程最后以失败而告终的话,那么其刑期将会延长一倍。
Topics include oral epic performance, sacred narrative, Koranic chant performance, the folktale, solo performance, cultural production and resistance. 主题包括口传史诗展演、教叙事、兰经吟颂展演、间传说、人展演、化之生产与反抗。