Why would Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick choose voice interaction and not a screen or printed presentation? 为什么ArthurC.Clarke和StanleyKubrick选择语音交互而不是屏幕或打印展示?
Glazer surely took something, again, from Kubrick, especially in the scene in which his alien is born in some dimensionless otherworld. 当然,格雷泽又从库布里克那借鉴了一些拍摄手法,尤其是外星人在无边际的外太空出生的一幕。
The task then fell to Spielberg to make the film as true to Kubrick's vision as possible. 库布里克逝世后,斯皮尔伯格遂一肩挑起重担,尽可能让影片忠于库布里克的构想。
The film has had a long journey to the screen, starting as a conception of the late director Stanley Kubrick eighteen years ago. 这部影片酝酿甚久方搬上银幕,构想源自已故制作人斯坦利·库布里克18年前的灵感。
Kubrick had Spielberg in mind to direct the film and the two communicated about the project for seven years before Kubrick's death. 库布里克一直想让斯皮尔伯格执导该片,两人因此沟通达七年之久。
The film is infamous for copycat behaviour, which many thought to be the reason that director Stanley Kubrick withdrew the film in the UK. 这部电影因模仿别人的行为而申明狼藉,这也是很多人以为斯坦利·库布里克在英国禁掉这部电影的原因。
Still only thirty-two, Kubrick is one of the great white hopes of the film industry. 年仅32岁的库布里克,是电影业大有希望的人之一。
1999-American film director, Stanley Kubrick, dies in his sleep from a fatal heart attack. 1999年的今天,美国电影导演斯坦利·库布里克在睡梦中突发心脏病逝世。
A futuristic film about a violent young hoodlum, it scored Kubrick his biggest box office hit at that point in his career. 未来电影节青年流氓的暴力,但他最大的得分库布里克票房成功在这一点在他的职业生涯。
Moreover, with pessimism in Kubrick's personality, his films with didactic characteristics are also full of unique color pessimism. 而且,库布里克带悲观主义色彩的个性,使得他饱含教谕意味的电影旁白还带有非常独特的悲观主义色彩。
In "2001: A Space Odyssey"( 1968), which he co-wrote with Stanley Kubrick, ape-man evolved into Star Child. 在他与斯坦利·库布里克合写的《2001:太空漫游》(1968)中,人猿进化成了星孩。
Spielberg took the film on following the death of legendary director Stanley Kubrick. 一片是斯皮尔博格继承传奇导演斯坦利·库布里克的遗志拍摄的。
Through the entire process of representative works of analysis, Kubrick's films have been summarized in a few of the characteristics of narration. 本文通过对库布里克整个电影创作过程中具有代表性的作品的分析,总结出库布里克的电影中旁白的几个特点:一、数量多;
"Using his camera as a sandpaper block, Kubrick has stripped away the veneer from the prizefight and dancehall worlds," the New York Mirror proclaimed. 影片开场的拳赛镜头大多来自库布里克的第一部纪录片《拳赛之日》。
Much has been made of the obsessive perfectionist Kubrick's determination, through a two-year shoot shrouded in secrecy, to extract an emotional authenticity from the pair. 这部影片在很大程度上是过分完美主义者库布利克根据自己的意愿拍摄的,历经两年,完全处于秘密状态,为的是从这对夫妇身上引出强烈的感情的真实性。
Gene Philips, Stanley Kubrick: A Film Odyssey, New York, 1977. 吉恩。菲利普《斯坦利。库布里克:遨游电影王国》,纽约,1977年。
Mankind's future in space, Kubrick seemed to be implying, was not just an evolutionary adaptation. 库布瑞克仿佛在暗示,人类在太空的未来不仅仅是一个进化适应的问题。
In the text there are three chapters, chapter 1 provides a general review to the transitional period of Hollywood and New Hollywood movement, analyzes how Kubrick persisted with the personal color and how his works survived and even succeed in the Hollywood framework. 正文分为三章,第一章结合旧新好莱坞交替时期及新好莱坞运动时期的电影创作概况,分析库布里克坚持了电影中的个性化表述并在好莱坞体制系统内生存下来且获得成功的创作道路。
Staring with viewing the themes of his movies, the second chapter sees a detailed analysis of Kubrick movies 'artistic connotation, the characteristic color and the value quest of his works and as well stressed his innovative attribution in the New Hollywood Movement. 第二章从主题入手,具体分析库布里克电影的艺术内涵、风格特征及其价值追求,强调了他在新好莱坞运动中的创新性地位。