The army may push southwards into the Kurdish areas. 军队可能南下向库尔德地区挺进。
Kurdish leaders saw the visit as an important signal of support 库尔德领导人将这次访问视作一种表示支持的重要信号。
President Bush says Turkey, Iraq and the United States all agree the Kurdish rebels pose a threat that must be addressed. 布什总统说,土耳其、伊拉克和美国一致认为,必须处理库尔德叛军构成的威胁。
The secretary reportedly has been trying to mediate between Kurdish leaders and the central government in Baghdad, over a thorny territorial dispute over the oil-rich region of Kirkuk. 有报导说,盖茨一直试图在库尔德族领导人和巴格达的中央政府之间进行调解,以解决双方在盛产石油的基尔库克地区一项棘手的领土争端。
Counting of ballots from Saturday's Kurdish elections has begun in earnest. 星期六库尔德地区选举的计票工作严肃地开始。
Kurdish independence is a reality that needs to be accepted. 库尔德人的独立已成现实,各方需要接受这一点。
Iraq's Electoral Commission says voter turnout in Saturday's Kurdish election was high and polling went smoothly, despite allegations of irregularities by Kurdish opposition groups. 伊拉克选举委员会说,库尔德地区星期六选举的投票率很高,投票进行顺利,尽管库尔德反对派团体指控选举中存在舞弊现象。
The US must be fairer in its diplomacy regarding Kurdish oil sales. 美国必须在其有关库尔德石油销售的外交政策中更为公平。
Tensions between the Iraqi government and the Kurdish autonomous region are growing. 伊拉克政府与库尔德族自治区之间的矛盾愈发激烈。
Thanks to the entrenchment of an autonomous Kurdish region in iraq, replete with parliament, army and flag, Kurdish pride and confidence have soared everywhere, making Turks and also Iranians even twitchier. 由于伊拉克的库尔德人实现了自治,拥有了自己的议会、军队和国旗,库尔德人似乎有些忘乎所以,这令土耳其和伊朗大为紧张。
And the Turks are carrying out air strikes against separatist Kurdish PKK rebels based in northern Iraq, complicating relations with America. 并且,土耳其正在实施空袭,以对抗库尔德分离主义PKK反叛者。PKK根基在伊朗北部,并使土耳其与美国的关系复杂化。
Kurdish activists pulled out after accusing other participants of marginalising them and ignoring the Kurdish issue. 库尔德活动积极分子指控其他与会者排斥他们,忽视库尔德问题之后退出会议。
BAGHDAD, Iraq-Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish leaders called Sunday for an end to Iraq's sectarian conflict and vowed to track down those responsible for the war's deadliest attack. 巴格达,伊拉克逊尼派、什叶派和库尔德的领导人们声明礼拜日将是伊拉克宗派冲突的终结日,并发誓要追查伊拉克战争以来最惨烈的武装袭击的责任。
The emergency applies to all regions of Iraq except the Kurdish north, which has been relatively stable. 除了相对稳定的库尔德北部地区外,紧急状态法令适用于伊拉克所有地区。
Yet he expelled many Kurds from their homes and destroyed all the Kurdish villages along a border area with lran. 但是他将许多库尔德人赶离了他们的家园,并且捣毁了伊拉克与伊朗边界上所有的库尔德村庄。
Help Kurdish refugees fleeingtheir homes in northern iraq. 帮助库尔德难民逃离他们位于伊拉克北部的家园。
In the northern city Mosul, a suicide bomber exploded a car near a checkpoint guarded by national and Kurdish forces. 在北部城市摩苏尔,一名自杀式袭击者引爆了附近的国家和库尔德部队把守的一个检查站的车。
Meanwhile Turkey's security chiefs were muttering darkly about punishing Greece for abetting Kurdish terrorists. 同时,土耳其的安全官们也私下暗算,要让煽动库尔德恐怖分子的希腊付出代价。
He eased restrictions on the long-banned Kurdish language and blunted the army's influence. 他缓解了对库尔德语的长期禁止,并且减弱军队的影响力。
Oil prices steadies after six days of record highs-spurred by tensions between Turkey and Kurdish rebels. 油价在六天的记录高点之后持平-被土耳其和库德人的叛徒之间的紧张鼓励。
Dealers say oil prices are rising on fears that fighting between Turkish forces and Kurdish rebels will prompt a Turkish invasion of northern Iraq-a major oil-producing region. 交易人士说,油价上涨是由于人们担心土耳其军队和库尔德反政府武装之间的战斗将导致土耳其派兵进入盛产石油的伊拉克北部地区。
Meanwhile, Arabs in the north are casting doubt on Kurdish voter rolls. 此外,北部的阿拉伯人对库尔德选民数量心存怀疑。
Saddam Hussein proposed the most complete self-government plan ever offered to the Kurdish people in northern Iraq. 萨达姆?侯赛因提议给伊拉克北部的库尔德人完全的自治权。
The Kurdish enclave in the north is the most successful part of post-Saddam Iraq. 被包围在北部的库尔德成为后萨达姆时代伊拉克最成功的一部分。
However, the move did not stop protests in Kurdish areas on Friday. 然而此举并未阻止库尔德地区在周五举行抗议活动。
TEHRAN, Iran – A pair of gunmen opened fire on a police patrol in Iran's Kurdish region on Thursday, killing four officers and a bystander, the Iranian official news agency reported. 德黑兰,伊朗&一对枪手星期四在伊朗库尔德地区向警察巡逻对开火,杀死四名军官和一个行人,伊朗官方通讯社报道。
Iraq's government is calling for an end to public bickering between sunni, Shiite and Kurdish politicians. 伊拉克政府号召结束孙尼派、什叶派以及库尔德政客之间的公开争吵。
Among the issues was Iranian support for Iraqi Kurdish rebels. 原因是伊朗支持伊拉克库尔德人的判乱。
So the tension is just building up, and this reaction is directed to the Kurdish people. 因此,紧张情势升高了。而这些反应就直接指向库尔德族。