Christine helped Kurtz every step of the way in his courtship of Rebecca, from screening online dating profiles to editing his emails and suggesting outfits. 库尔茨追求瑞贝卡的整个过程中,克里斯汀一直在为他出谋划策,包括筛选网上约会资料,编辑电子邮件,以及提供服装建议等。
Before long, Kurtz was picking up her dry cleaning, and she was grabbing his prescriptions at the pharmacy. 很快,库尔茨就开始替她取干洗的衣服,她也会帮库尔茨去药店买药。
The net effect of this legislation will be positive on national security side and economic security side, said Mr. Kurtz. 库尔茨表示,在国家安全及经济安全方面,该法案产生的净效果,将是积极的。
Towards the evening of the second day we judge ourselves about eight miles from Kurtz's station. 第二天接近傍晚的时候,我们估计距库尔茨的站大约还有八英里。
Mr Kurtz has now turned bullish on the Shanghai market. 库尔茨对上海股市的看法如今已转向乐观。
I found it in a box of stuff belonging to Eloise kurtz. 我在艾洛伊思的一个箱子里找到的。
This is starting so small that it may have only a negligible impact at least at first, says Mr Kurtz. 库尔茨表示:最初的规模这么小,至少在一开始的影响可能会微不足道。
And while inflows are relatively easy to manage through conventional policy tools such as open market operations or changes to the reserve requirement ratio, sudden outflows would be more problematic, Mr Kurtz said. 库尔茨表示,尽管通过公开市场操作或调整银行准备金率等传统工具管理流入资本相对容易,但资本突然外流将是个棘手得多的问题。
Mr Kurtz is one of several investment bank analysts who have this month lifted their recommendations for Chinese stocks from underweight to neutral within Asian equity portfolios. 本月,有几位投资银行的分析师把亚洲股票组合中对中国股票的投资建议从减持上调至中性,库尔茨便是其中之一。
"This is a self-inflicted margin-reduction," Mr Kurtz says. “这是自我造成的利润减少。”葛文高说。
Note: the letter included a framed photograph of Master Ching Hai with Martin Sheen and swoozie kurtz. 注:此信附有一张师父与苏希克兹及马丁舍恩合照的加框照片。
I picked out a tree a little way ahead to measure our progress towards Kurtz. 我选定前面不远的一棵大树作标记,测定我们向库尔茨又前进了多少距离。
I fretted and took to arguing with myself whether or not I would talk openly with Kurtz. 我异常恼火,并在心下暗自嘀咕,好不好公开地和库尔茨谈一谈。
It may perversely help stabilise, or even lift, China's sagging domestic real estate and equity markets, Mr Kurtz said. 库尔茨表示:它反而可能帮助稳定、甚至提振中国国内低迷的房地产市场和股市。
We're seeing a lot more up-front reconnaissance, understanding who the players are at the company and how to reach them, said George Kurtz, chief technology officer at security firm McAfee. 我们正看到更多前期侦察的迹象,目的是了解谁是公司的重要人物,以及怎样接触到他们,安全公司McAfee的首席技术官乔治库尔茨(GeorgeKurtz)表示。
Yet margins have been on a protracted slide that shows no sign of stabilising, says Michael Kurtz, Macquarie's Asia strategist. 但是利润长期下滑且依旧没有稳定的趋势,麦格理的亚洲战略家迈克科尔兹称。
Kurtz in the depth of the African wilderness can be seen as the "id" of marlow, the hidden man marlow; 非洲荒原深处的库尔兹是马洛内心隐藏而疯狂的本我(id);
Both Conrad's Kurtz and Laoshe's Hsiang Tzu are eventually ruined by the backwardness and poverty they have tried to get rid of. 康拉德的克如智和老舍的祥子一样,想要摆脱落后与贫穷,最后都被落后与贫穷毁灭了。
Kurtz's African mistress and his European intended are also analyzed, with the finding that complicated feelings of racism and anti-imperialism are embedded in the depiction of the two women. 接着对库兹非洲情人与欧洲未婚妻进行了比较与分析,发现对这两位女人的描绘同样带有种族主义与反帝国主义的复杂情感。
In the wild Africa, Kurtz changes into a greedy and barbaric man. 在荒野的非洲,库尔茨发生了改变,变得野蛮而贪婪。