The LVMH prize is a coveted award. LVMH奖确实是一个让人梦寐以求的奖项。
This is something expensive, not cheap. We could see this as the LVMH or Coach of liquor, he said, referring to the high-end designer brands beloved of his countrymen. 他表示:这种酒有些贵,它并不便宜,我们可以把它视为白酒中的路易威登(LVMH)或Coach。他指的是中国人钟爱的两个高档设计师品牌。
The price differences also account for logistics costs, LVMH said. LVMH说,价格差异也包括了运输成本。
I hired a brand strategist and some designers, and while I was running around, LVMH banged on the door. ' 我聘请了一位品牌策略师和一些设计师。在我东奔西跑的时候,路易威登找到了我。
Not surprisingly, investors see potential returns, and have created additional competition for LVMH. 不出所料,投资者们看到了潜在的回报,给路威酩轩集团增加了额外的竞争。
Bestowed on promising designers, the award includes 300,000 and a year of mentoring from an LVMH executive. 该奖项授予那些有前途的设计师,包括30万欧元的奖金和路威酩轩集团执行官的一年指导。
The increased prominence of Antoine and Delphine Arnault has also helped promote an image of LVMH despite being a huge public company with 29.1 billion in revenue as a family affair. 安托万和戴尔芬·阿尔诺在集团中地位的逐步上升也有助于提高该集团的家族事业形象,尽管它是一个年收入291亿欧元的庞大公司。
Far removed from the glittering halls of LVMH, he started his career in the less glamorous realms of household cleaning products and polyurethane foams for a series of companies at which he held marketing and product management roles. 他的事业生涯从并不光鲜亮丽的家庭清洁产品和聚氨酯泡沫开始,和LVMH华丽的厅堂可谓天差地别。他在这些行业中的一系列公司里担任市场营销和产品管理工作。
Even Bernard Arnault acknowledges that LVMH has not really tended to its corporate brand image. 甚至连贝尔纳·阿尔诺也承认,路威酩轩集团没有真正注意自己的公司品牌形象。
Mr Arnault will not demand a seat on the board of the Dumas family-controlled company, and LVMH said its aim was to be a long-term shareholder of Herm è s. 阿尔诺不会要求获得由迪马(Dumas)家族控制的爱马仕董事会席位,路易威登表示,其目标是成为爱马仕的一名长期股东。
LVMH is expected officially to disclose its interests by Wednesday at the latest. 预计路易威登最晚将在周三正式披露持有爱马仕的权益情况。
According to one person familiar with the matter, LVMH acquired a six per cent stake through this route. 据其中一位知情人士表示,路易威登通过这种途径买进了6%的股份。
Louis Vuitton, LVMH's fashion brand, has postponed a week-long car rally in China until next year or 2010. LVMH旗下的时尚品牌路易威登(LouisVuitton),将其在中国举办一项为期一周的汽车拉力赛的计划,推迟到了明年或2010年。
In the past six months Diageo and LVMH have also invested in Chinese producers of the grain-based spirit, partly to reinforce the marketing push for their own international drinks brands. 在过去6个月中,diageo和lvmh也纷纷投资于以粮食酿酒的中国生产商,这在一定程度上是为其自身的国际酒类品牌加强营销攻势。
Many Western brands, such as Apple, Nike, LVMH and Est é e Lauder, have successful local operations in China and have become hugely profitable. 许多西方品牌在中国都经营得很成功,非常赚钱,比如苹果(Apple)、耐克(Nike)、路威酩轩(LVMH)和雅诗兰黛(EstéeLauder)。
Under her charge were major clients such as LVMH, HP, Mengniu Dairies, China Merchants Bank, Nokia and Sony. 她管理着诸如LVMH、惠普、蒙牛乳业、招商银行,诺基亚和索尼等大客户。
Some of its leaders have healthy balance sheets: LVMH and Christian Dior's net debt to tangible assets sit at about 30 per cent, while Richemont has net cash. 一些领军企业的资产负债状况相当良好:路易酩轩和克里斯汀迪奥(ChristianDior)的净负债与有形资产之比在30%左右,而瑞士历峰集团(Richemont)则持有净现金。
This week, LVMH is making good on this promise, announcing that its flagship drinks subsidiary, Mo ë t Hennessy, will plant its first vineyard in China. 本周,路易威登履行了当初的诺言。该公司宣布旗下的旗舰酒精饮料子公司酩悦轩尼诗将建设在中国的第一座葡萄园。
For LVMH investors, this could still be the year of the bull. 对于LVMH投资者来说,今年可能仍然是“牛”年。