We believe our LADD technology also offers tremendous promise as a potential treatment for lung cancer and we are pleased to expand our relationship with Janssen, a company with significant experience and resources focused in both lung and prostate cancer. 我相信我们的LADD技术对于治疗肺癌提供了巨大的希望,并且我们很乐意与詹森公司扩大合作,该公司专注肺癌和前列腺癌治疗,拥有丰富的经验和资源。
She clocked you for a winner a long time ago, Senator ladd. 她再很久以前的一个冬天,就给你敲过这个警钟了,参议员拉德。
Oh, and you've made some tough ones, Senator ladd. 哦,你已经做出过一些了,参议员拉德先生。