Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Petroleum Ether Extract of Lagerstroemia speciosa ( Linn.) Pers Leaves 大花紫薇叶石油醚部位的化学成分研究
Studies on Hypoglycemic Activity of Banaba ( Lagerstroemia Specious) Leaves and Its Mechanism 大叶紫薇叶降血糖作用及机理的研究
The Effects of Exogenous Hormone on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Lagerstroemia crape 外源激素对矮生紫薇组培快繁的影响
Studies on Establishment of Regeneration System and Polyploid Induction of Lagerstroemia Indica 紫薇再生体系的建立及多倍体诱导研究
Colchicines Induced Polyploid Plants and Their Identification in Three Species of Lagerstroemia indica 秋水仙素诱导三种紫薇多倍体的研究
Study on Genetic Diversity of Wild Lagerstroemia from Baokang 保康野生紫薇的遗传多样性研究
The results showed that the speed of germination and the germination rate of the seeds of Lagerstroemia speciosa increased with the rising of temperature. The optimum temperature for germination was 30 ° C. 结果表明,大花紫薇种子发芽速度随温度升高而加快,发芽率随温度上升而提高,30°C是大花紫薇种子发芽的最佳温度;
Analysis of the Protein and Amino Acid Contents in the Seed of Lagerstroemia speciosa 大叶紫薇果仁蛋白质和氨基酸的分析研究
Application of polyphenols of lagerstroemia specious on Chinese sausage 大叶紫薇多酚在中式香肠中的应用
Studies on Flower Bud Morphodifferentiation and Adaptability of Introduced Lagerstroemia Indica cv. in Wuhan 日本矮紫薇花芽形态分化及在武汉的引种适应性研究
Study on the adsorption of lagerstroemia specious total triterpenes by macroporous resins 大孔树脂吸附纯化大叶紫薇叶中总三萜的研究
A study on the powdery mildew ( uncinuliella australiana) of Lagerstroemia indica& ⅱ. the taxonomy infective cycle of the pathogen and epidemiology 昆明地区紫薇白粉病研究&Ⅱ.病原菌的分类侵染循环及病害的发生发展规律
Screening of Lagerstroemia specious Leaves Constituents Hypoglycemic Activity 大叶紫薇叶中降血糖活性成分的筛选
RAPD Analysis in the Different Color-flowered Lagerstroemia indica from Baokang County in Hubei Province 湖北保康不同花色野生紫薇的RAPD分析
Studies on the characteristics of seed germination of Lagerstroemia speciosa 大花紫薇种子发芽特性研究
Research achievements on Lagerstroemia plant at home and abroad are summarized from several aspects including biological characteristics, propagating skills, cultivation management and genetic breeding; meanwhile the deficiencies in this field are identified and the priority direction for the future research are proposed. 文章从生物学特性、繁殖技术、栽培管理、遗传育种等方面总结了近年来紫薇属植物国内外的研究成果,并分析了该领域研究的不足,提出了今后重要研究的重点和方向。
Study on Germination Characteristics of Lagerstroemia indica CV. Petite Pinkie Seeds 矮生紫薇的种子萌发特性研究
Lagerstroemia indica as a garden ornamental plant, has its own unique beauty and appreciation. It blooms in summer with long bloom duration and colourful flowers. So it is an important landscape plant. 作为园林观赏植物,紫薇有其独特的观赏价值,树姿优美,在夏季少花季节开花,不仅花期长,而且花色丰富,是重要的园林绿化树种。
Genetic analysis and chi-square test showed that dwarf type in Lagerstroemia likely controlled by an complete dominance major gene as well as polygene. 对分离比进行遗传分析和X2检验,结果表明紫薇矮生性状受一对完全显性主效基因控制,同时存在微效修饰基因。