The Old Umbrella Shop is a heritage-listed store in central Launceston, northern Tasmania. 旧伞店是北塔斯马尼亚朗塞斯顿市中心位列世界遗产名录的商店。
Launceston is the third oldest city in Australia. 朗塞斯顿是澳大利亚第三古老的城市。
Stillwater, which she set up after falling in love with Tasmania on a brief vacation, is housed in a 1830s mill in the historic town of Launceston. 她在塔斯马尼亚的一次短暂度假旅行后爱上了这里,然后在历史名城朗塞斯顿市一处19世纪30年代的磨坊里开了一家名为Stillwater的餐馆。
No one way rental are permitted interstate from Perth, Hobart or Launceston. 没有一种方式是允许州际租金从珀斯,霍巴特或朗塞斯顿。
I have been settling in well in Launceston and have made a few new friends. 现在一切已安顿,亦在此地交了一些朋友。
One-way rentals are also permitted between Launceston and Hobart. 单程租金之间也允许斯顿和霍巴特。