It makes satisfying dividends for Sir Alex and head scout Jim Lawlor, who did a great deal of homework on the Mexican international before pen was put to paper. 这令弗格森很满意,而首席球探劳勒,在小豌豆签约前在墨西哥做了很多的工作。
Once we knew that, Jim Lawlor stayed in Mexico for a month and made sure we got the deal done. 在我们了解了那些之后,劳勒已经在墨西哥呆了一个月,并且确定我们会顺利完成签约。
So I sent our chief scout, Jim Lawlor, over to Mexico for three weeks to watch him and get some more background on the boy. 所以我祭出了首席球探吉姆。劳勒前往墨西哥观察他3周,收集更多情报。