Producers decided to end her on-screen romance with Pierce Lawton. 制片人决定结束她在影片中与皮尔斯·劳顿的恋情。
Ms. Lawton says she continues to work 12-hour days, meeting with prospective clients sometimes until late at night. 劳顿表示,现在她仍然每天工作12个小时,有时候很晚了还要跟潜在客户会面。
The various recreational facilities for cruise you turn travel Lawton. 邮轮上的各种娱乐设施为您抚平旅途劳顿。
Fast of foot, powerful of shot and a legend at heading for goal, Lawton was England's number nine, keeping Chelsea firmly in the spotlight. 劳顿在英格兰排名第九,他具有快速的脚下动作,强有力的射门和传奇的头球,使切尔西格外引人注目。
One of his volunteer roles was particularly meaningful to him: Lawton helped out at the Disabled Parking area at the Cape Town Stadium. 在劳顿所负责的义工业务中,最有意义的,莫非是在好望角球场,协助行动不便人士停车。
Lawton hit out at neoconservatives in the United States who were still denying the reality of climate change. 罗顿强力抨击目前还在否认「气候变迁事实」的美国「新保守派」人士。
Such were the scenes around the pitch that the3-3 result seems incidental but scoring Chelsea's third was a new centre-forward by the name of Tommy Lawton. 比赛结果是3:3,看起来很偶然,但是第三个得分是由新进前锋托米-劳顿踢进的。
Lawton was an amateur singer until the age of40, when he turned professional. 劳顿本是个业余歌手,直到40岁才成为专业歌手。
Lawton headed up a team of volunteers-and had to do so efficiently: Time was of the essence with such an elaborately orchestrated international event. 劳顿必须十分有效率得去领导其中一个义工团。对此团队来说,时间运用是十分重要的,特别是像世足赛如此必须精密筹画的国际赛事。
Two months after Lawton's transfer, Chelsea spent just over half of the British record £ 20,000 they had received on a new striker. 劳顿转会之后,切尔西花了超过英国球员转会记录20000英磅的一半价格买下了一个新的前锋。