
网络  光敏电阻; 中序遍历; 连接酶检测反应; 低动态范围; 氯丁橡胶



  1. You can override the memory model by setting the LDR_CNTRL environment variable yourself before starting the Java launcher.
  2. The very large memory model, like the large memory model, can be enabled for an executable at compile time with a linker option or at run time using the LDR_CNTRL environment variable.
  3. In the above case study, when the LDR_CNTRL variable was exported, the application started making use of large pages.
  4. LDR_CNTRL environment variable is used so that the application's data and heap segments should use large pages.
  5. Bernstein estimates that a 1 per cent increase in the LDR would have a beneficial impact on both NIMs and loan growth, adding between 80 and 120 basis points to 2016 earnings.
  6. The changes, however, are not expected to lead to a wave of fresh lending, since weak demand from borrowers and lower risk appetite from the banks are bigger drags on credit growth than the LDR cap.
  7. Objective: To investigate whether not low dose radiation ( LDR) can induce immunological adaptive response ( IAR) in mouse splenocytes in vitro.
  8. The influence of liquid distributed ring ( LDR) on flow field in spray scrubber of Nanjing Institute of Technology project has been analyzed by means of numerical simulation.
  9. The key here is to set up some "rules" about frequency of communication and visits and stick to them, consistency can help a LDR survive.
  10. Staying positive and not focusing on the negative aspects of a LDR is essential to keeping your relationship blooming and your partner content.
  11. Interventional effect of multiple LDR on splenocyte apoptosis and immunity on twelve-week diabetic rats
  12. We recommend ICBC, CCB, ABC and CQRCB as they have strong deposit-taking franchises, relatively low LDR and cushy provisioning.
  13. The Effect of LDR on the Expression of Inflammatory Factors in Diabetic Mice Induced by STZ
  14. The LDR induced protein might be found from mouse spleen cells, and this protein could increase immune function in human and animals.
  15. Objective Many experiments and human organism research demonstrated that low dose radiation ( LDR) could induce adaptation response of animal and human organism, increase organized immune function and anti-tumor ability.
  16. LDR dose little to the isolated tumor cell.
  17. Objective To study the effects of low dose radiation ( LDR) on the bone marrow of mice with myelomonocytic leukemia and provide theoretical base of the clinical application of LDR.
  18. Conclusion LDR induced proteins can stimulate proliferation of CD4, CD8 and CD19 cells.
  19. Conclusion The results suggest that LDR has curative effect on myelomonocytic leukemia mice.
  20. In recent years, we have obtained some considerable results on the adaptive response induced by LDR in cell genetics.
  21. Improve the regional economic zoning system, discern the problem area of the LDR;
  22. It indicated that LDR could induce Hormesis, and protect from DNA damage.
  23. The results confirmed the homests effect of LDR on bone marrow stromal progenitor cells.
  24. Method Stimulative effects of LDR induced proteins on human peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets were studied.
  25. The emergence of LDR was based on economics, sociology, ecology and the philosophy of law.
  26. LDR is an independent and transferable property right which is separated from land ownership.
  27. The main reason is the loss of LDR in land usage and administrator legal system.
  28. Through the investigation of market value, establish the economic comparison of filtering surface hydraulic power continuous regenerative system. Through numerical calculation getting if the load-distance ratio LDR 12.6, adopting thimble heat transfer system is more economic.